Chapter 228 Hmm. Untitled (Second update)_2

This kid seems a bit off today. I wonder if he's got himself beaten up again.

Hearing this, Hong Boyuan snorted. He didn't even have to guess to know who was speaking. "Oh, it's you, you crazy. What sudden call for?" Only the crazy Xiao would speak to him like that.

Being crazy was Xiao Feng's signature, someone who grew up with him doing mischief. He was more extravagant than Boyuan himself.

In all honesty, Boyuan never regarded himself as particularly extravagant. He rarely took part in the shenanigans of their group. As for Xiao Feng, he didn't really care for mingling much either.

The hurdle that lay within his heart still troubled him, even after such a long time.

The other person snorted in amusement. "Oh, it's really nothing. I was just wondering whether you had got home today." His words openly rang with schadenfreude. "Did Uncle Hong beat you up again? Hehehe..." His laughter sounded particularly excited, seemingly he had imagined the scene already.