Chapter 239: A Bewitching Cheap Woman? (One more update)_2

"I'll go get the keys from the Shop Manager right now." Since the sports car was a limited edition, the keys to the higher end cars were all with the Shop Manager.

Soon, not only did Yang Hao come back, but the Shop Manager as well, who walked quickly towards Mu Lin, "Miss Mu, would you like to test drive this car?"

Mu Lin nodded subtly.

"Please wait, I'll arrange for someone to drive it out for you." The Shop Manager had been in the store and saw Mu Lin drive up in a sports car better than this one. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so easy for Mu Lin to test drive this vehicle.

"There's no need." Mu Lin said, "Give me the keys, I can take care of it myself." She was confident in her driving skills.

"Alright." The Shop Manager nodded, giving her the keys.