Chapter 251: No Qualifications (One Update)_1

Meanwhile, elsewhere.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Assassins sure are loaded, staying in one of the top hotels in Ming City, and even booking a presidential suite." Really, it was something they could only dream of.

Of course, they didn't actually envy it. Despite many special forces soldiers turning into mercenaries for various corporations after retirement, this would never happen to them, not to the Special Forces of Ying Sun.

For the members of Ying Sun, no honor was greater than that of the squadron.

But on second thought, most people probably couldn't imagine it, after all, weren't assassins supposed to live in the shadows? Was this their way of keeping up with the times?

Ever since Green Scorpion left the police station, the members of Ying Sun had been tailing him. Of course, Mu Lin had already placed a tracking device on him. This hi-tech gadget, paper-thin, was hard to detect once stuck on someone. They were surprised that the Boss would even use such a thing on a minion.