Chapter 258 Learn from One's Experience! (Second Update)_2

They had been speculating about Mu Lin's identity, only realizing he was actually there to protect them as they learned about their recent dangers. Although, she couldn't tell how powerful Mu Lin actually was. In fact, he seemed younger than her.

With a relaxed posture on the sofa, the curve at the corner of Mu Lin's mouth had disappeared, his eyes showing a deeper ambition.

Now she's just waiting for the poison "master" to walk into the trap, and then her mission will be over. She truly hoped the woman, who could make a 'Seven-day Return' poison, would not let her down.

As for poison, she relished the rare opportunity to challenge someone who played with poison just like her. She didn't mind battling it out.

As for the Red Scorpion, he was likely figuring out a way to deal with Mu Lin, or perhaps he was concocting an even stronger poison.

A showdown might be all Red Scorpion desires, perhaps what he really wants is Mu Lin's life.
