Chapter 274: Red Scorpion Leading the Meal Box (Third Update)_1

"Where is Poison Doctor?" Red Scorpion asked.

"Where is the antidote?" Responding with an unfeeling counter-question, Black Scorpion glared frostily at Red Scorpion. Something about her felt off. It was clearly past midnight; why was she still awake? Did she know that he was definitely going to show up tonight? Or perhaps, she had been alert all along?

In fact, everything was only a coincidence. Red Scorpion wasn't staying awake because she wanted to; she simply couldn't sleep.

The night before, Red Scorpion had sprayed her entire room with poison. Unfortunately, she was awoken in the middle of the night by the disgusting creatures affected by it. Everywhere she looked, the carcasses of these creatures were piled on top of each other. Even more horrifying, the creatures that arrived later had crawled over the bodies of the dead ones to move around.