Chapter 290: The Dream of Old Master Jing (First Update)_2

Xue Jianbing sneered, "You think I want to see you." The two still can't stand each other, and didn't bother to hide it.

"Alright, you two; can't you stop quarreling as soon as you meet?" Zhou Yicen couldn't help but roll his eyes at the two, "Youlan, do you want to share our plan with them?" With their assistance, their chances of success should be considerably larger.

Actually, everyone knew that although Jing Youlan and Xue Jianbing couldn't stand each other at first sight, they could still work well together when needed.

"What's the plan?" Zhou Yujun asked Zhou Yicen.

Zhou Yicen replied, "Let Youlan talk about it." In a way, Jing Youlan was like their squad leader. Despite the fact that he was a bit irresponsible in the past (referring to his playboy behavior), he was still a member of the Jing family. If he wished, he could be a born solider.