Chapter 296: The Mysterious and Fantastic World (Additional Update) _2

"Alright then, I won't be repulsed by you." Hearing Jing Chen's words, Mu Lin smiled, a warm smile that radiated from his eyes, "No matter what you turn into, even if you lose your face, I still won't be repelled by you." Hearing such words, wouldn't you be content?

On hearing this, Jing Chen broke out in laughter, "My dear wife, saying that makes it hard for me to know whether I should be happy, or feel..." helpless.

No face? How is he supposed to face people then? He seriously doubted that.

Mu Lin rolled his eyes, clearly finding him bothersome. "Such a bother." At this moment, the elevator doors opened. Pushing Jing Chen aside, Mu Lin turned around and walked out, with Jing Chen following behind.

Hey, what happened to not being repulsed? Had she forgotten what she just said? Jing Chen moved two steps forward and rang Mu Lin into his arms, a habit that had developed over time.

As the two arrived at the door to their room, they happened to bump into two service staff.