Chapter 336: Mu Lin Arrives (First Update)_2

Poison Doctor Mu Lin, indeed, had foresight!

The healing and coagulation effect of her medicines was considerably more pronounced than any they had used before.

Jing Chen didn't pay attention to the others around him, he only looked at Xigua and asked, "Do you trust Linlin?"

"I do." Xigua responded without hesitation. His exuberance perhaps causing him to slightly disturb his injury, which made him wince in pain. After catching his breath, he continued, "In this world, if there's still someone who can save me, then that person surely has to be Sister-in-law." Xigua clearly knew that without those medicines Mu Lin had given to Jing Chen, he would've been long gone by now. There would have been no chance for him to be discussing their sister-in-law with his Boss.

The hope of life was what kept Xigua going; or perhaps it would be more accurate to say it was Mu Lin who was keeping him going, to continue holding on.

Indeed, the pain was excruciating.