Chapter 345: Watermelon Guinea Pig (first update)_1

"Still no sign of her." Ya Yan was on the verge of tears.

Yan Zilei wrapped his arm around her shoulder, trying to comfort her in a soft voice, "Maybe Mu Lin went out and nobody in the hotel saw her. Remember, she isn't like ordinary people," Yan Zilei suggested, trying to reason with her.

Recent events indeed pointed to this conclusion.

Well, he wasn't wrong.

Ya Yan might agree with him, but Mu Lin was still a girl. What if someone with ill-intentions tricked her?

Ya Yan wouldn't forget how Mu Lin got tricked before due to her own circumstances. If it weren't for her defensive skills, things might have turned out much worse. Now Ya Yan wondered if Mu Lin had met trouble again.

Holding Ya Yan, Yan Zilei led her down the stairs, his other hand clutching hers tightly as they ventured towards the exit; his deep gaze thoughtful.