Chapter 358: Yan Yan's Motto (Part Two) _1

It connected!

Upon hearing the ringtone from the other side, Ya Yan's face unconsciously revealed a surge of joy.

That's great, everything is fine.

A cool voice tinged with a sense of indifference reached Ya Yan's ears after a few seconds, giving off an air of detachment from worldly gains.

"Mu Lin!" Finally, she got through; the corners of Ya Yan's mouth unconsciously lifted up.

"Little bunny?" There was a slightly surprised voice from Mu Lin on the other end, probably because she didn't expect Ya Yan to call her.

"Yes." Ya Yan's voice was filled with a touch of choking up. Strangely, she felt a sourness in her nose. She had things she wanted to say, but they got stuck in her throat abruptly; she was unable to utter them, which made her feel uncomfortable.