Chapter 377 - Who Allowed You to Go There! (Third Update)_1

"Leader, she's arrived, but..." A man stood before a male figure, starting to speak with apparent hesitancy, unsure of how to proceed.

"But what?" The man looked up, his gaze indifferent as it rested on the reporter. His eyebrows knitted slightly with irritation.

He found it distasteful when people hesitated or only stated half their mind, they should know better.

Reading the miserable expression on the man's face, the speaker hurriedly continued. "They say Miss Fen Xiao has already arrived there first and now, is dining with the Poison Doctor."

Eating with the Poison Doctor? He wouldn't dare even entertain the thought.

Who knew at what moment she would poison him? Perhaps it hadn't occurred to them that their dear Miss Fen Xiao could also be a master poisoner.

Mu Lin attested to her civilized nature; under normal circumstances, she wouldn't bother others unless she was provoked first. She didn't have the leisure time to go around trouble for no reason. It was a tedious affair.