Chapter 401: Rejoicing in the Misfortune of Others (Third Watch)_2

The group of people looked at each other, their disappointment barely hidden. However, no one took it upon themselves to counter Jing Tian's words.

Having worked under Jing Tian for so long, they knew that if he made such a decision, there must be a reason. Unfortunately, their commanding officer always liked to reveal the truth later rather than sooner, under the guise of creating a 'surprise'.

In reality, these 'surprises' usually brought them shocks, which could only be described as harrowing.

The members of Seal Team felt that this was just the commander's idea of fun.

As such, they did not object, but that didn't mean others wouldn't, especially those couple of women who wanted to pick on Mu Lin and enjoy the drama.

Mu Lin had this unique ability to attract naysayers wherever she went.

It wasn't just the disparaging looks they gave her. They also liked to act superior and start unnecessary feuds.

Mu Lin admitted that she didn't enjoy this; but there was no help for it.