Chapter 407: Miss Jing Er! (Part 1) - 2

More importantly, to achieve this goal, Gu Muqing had practically gone to the extent of unearthing a childhood photo of Jing Tian in girl's clothing for Mu Lin to see, a photo that was part of her exclusive collection. Looking at the "boy" and "girl" in the photo, Mu Lin could make out who was who. The taller one was Jing Chen, while the one in girl's clothing, needless to say, was...

So beautiful, it must be the second master... "Miss" Jing Tian.

Jing Chen from his childhood days still portrayed that aloof and stern demeanor, while Jing Tian, on the other hand, was smiling so brightly. Seeing them standing together like that, Mu Lin felt a sense of inexplicable harmony and compatibility.

Time flew, and soon it was the third day, a weekend. The sky was clear, and the weather was sunny and delightful, making it a perfect day for an outing.