Chapter 411 A Little Fish Got Hooked (Second Update)_2

That speed almost blinded the nearby staff member.

Dang. Was this even a woman?

The Military Jeep steadily moved, slowly entering the suburban area, while not too far behind, a car followed at a constant pace, neither too fast nor too slow.

At first glance, it didn't seem suspicious. However, Mu Lin tried altering her speed out of curiosity. If she sped up, the vehicle behind would speed up; if she slowed down, the vehicle would match her pace.

Such a blatant pursuit method, was this person even professionally trained?

Mu Lin's suspicion was justified.

Regrettably, a woman in love's IQ is usually less than zero. Considering this, she was doing pretty well.

Her eyebrows flicked upward, the smile in her eyes revealing an indescribable coldness, which chilled to the bone.

She leisurely took out her phone and dialed Xiu Weiqi's number.