Chapter 424 - Rivals, But More So Comrades (Four Updates) _2

The morning training focused on basics and consolidation, while the afternoon was reserved for various competitions between the two sides.

The most basic military postures and such were directly skipped.

What they wanted to compete in were basically: four hundred meter obstacles, single and double bars, crawling, climbing, crossing minefields, sniping, and sparring. These were their most basic daily training activities.

"Come on! Come on! Come on..." Sweating profusely, as if flaunting their youth, both teams have never felt training to be so exciting, the competition with comrades from other military areas seems to hold some extra significance compared to competing with their own comrades. Nobody wants to lose, but even loss brings hearty and unrestricted laughter.

If they had such a competitive atmosphere in their daily training, they would probably train much more enthusiastically.

Although they have to train regardless of their enthusiasm.