Chapter 465 Beautiful Eastern Woman (First Update) _2

"When the time comes for simultaneous blasts in ten locations, the fireworks will be stunning, wouldn't you all agree?" His words were interspersed with blood spatter. He was convinced that those on the outside would 'enjoy' the spectacle immensely.

The time was now approaching around five in the afternoon. In just over ten more minutes, and then another hour, it would be around six o'clock. By that time, the skies would be primarily dark and the brilliance of the fireworks would certainly be breathtaking.

And they, by then, would surely be somewhere outside, silently gazing at the vivid display of fireworks.

The mere thought of such a scene enthused him greatly.

Indeed, after hearing the man's speech, some may have been clinging to wisps of hope; but now, the barely discernible glimmer had all but transformed into despair. Perhaps, they were destined to be permanently rooted in place, trapped with so many others, unsure if their bodies would remain intact after the blasts.