He had no interest in arguing with a man, it was much better to enjoy the company of a beautiful woman.
With his ceaseless chatter gone, the car suddenly became much quieter.
"Liyou, where do you want to eat?" They had been driving for so long that they had forgotten an important issue: where to have dinner.
Xia Liyou was to treat Ai Wei to a meal, so naturally, Ai Wei had the final say.
She was about to answer with a warm smile when Wei Xuefeng interrupted, "How about the Imperial City Hotel? They just got some fresh oysters. They're said to be pretty good."
Ou Chengtian glanced at Wei Xuefeng and shot him a warning look for his uninvited suggestion.
Oysters? Isn't he worried they might have the opposite effect? Laughing inwardly, Ai Wei looked at his slender physique.
Xia Liyou also rolled her eyes at Wei Xuefeng, "Ai Wei, what do you feel like eating?"