Chapter 1: Ugly Girl Comes_1

"Wenxuan, look! Your ugly wife is here again!"

"I can't believe she didn't drown in that big water tank!"

"Huh, she's not running towards you this time. She used to rush over the moment she saw you."


In the grain drying field, several boys were squatting by the grassy edge. The one sitting in the middle was a boy with a handsome face. He held a copy of "Analects" in his hand, but his eyes were filled with disgust towards the girl not far away.

If it weren't for her long bangs and a disheveled braid, it would be hard to recognize her as a girl. Her hair looked like it hadn't been washed or combed for a while, akin to a bird's nest.

Her bangs covered half of her face, and the half that was exposed was full of pus-filled sores. Some were even oozing yellow pus. It was revolting.

And her figure, due to malnutrition, was as thin as a bean sprout. It seemed like a gust of wind could blow her over.

The boys continued to joke around, but the girl remained indifferent.

She squatted in the grain drying field, motionlessly gazing at the pile of shriveled grains at her feet.

The events of yesterday were still fresh in her mind.

Her name was Nan Feng. She used to be a 21st-century undercover policewoman, infiltrating the gang of a kingpin known as "Fu Laoda". Just yesterday, Fu Laoda took her on a luxury yacht ride, but out at sea, he pulled a gun to kill her. It turned out that Fu Laoda had long understood her true identity, and the yacht trip was a trap.

In desperation, she jumped into the sea, and when she woke up, she became this little girl.

It was ironic. This girl was also named Nan Feng. Her father's surname was Nan, and there was wind when she was born.

The house was so dilapidated it had holes. How could there not be wind?

The original owner should only be fourteen or fifteen years old with a youthful age where her skin could trace out water. But she was a fool and was tricked into a water tank by a group of kids yesterday.

If it weren't for the quick thinking of a boy named Sima Guang who threw a stone to break the water tank, she would probably still be soaking in it.

Thinking of this, she raised her head and glared fiercely at the boy named Mo Wenxuan.

The boy was only fifteen or sixteen years old. How could he be so cruel? If he doesn't like her, he could just refuse the marriage. Why must he coerce the girl into death?

"Hey, Wenxuan, the fool is looking at you."

"No, the fool is glaring at you."

"Wow, so fierce. I'm scared."

Mo Wenxuan put down his book and stood up, heading towards Nan Feng. The other boys followed, clearly intending to support Mo Wenxuan.

Mo Wenxuan walked up to Nan Feng, seeing her still glaring at him, he suddenly stomped on the pile of rice grains at her feet, then looked at her triumphantly.

In the past, this ugly and foolish woman would have probably started crying in injustice.

However, the girl didn't cry. Her face, full of pus sores, remained calm, and a faint smile could be seen on her lips. She moved her lips and said, "Childish!"

After saying this, she continued to squat down and examine the grains of rice at her feet.

Her father, Nan Quanyou, was lame. His shoulder could not bear the weight and his hands couldn't lift. The rice he grew was dry and shriveled. Compared with the rice from Mo Wenxuan's family, it was like a malnourished girl standing next to a voluptuous woman with a 34D bust.

The boys behind her started to jeer again. "Wenxuan, your idiot wife is ignoring you."

"Was she scared from falling into the water tank yesterday?"

"She seems less foolish now."


Seeing Nan Feng ignoring him, Mo Wenxuan felt embarrassed. He squatted down again and said, "Hey, what happened yesterday was my fault. I should not have tricked you into jumping into the water tank. But I was also beaten by my father for it, so let's call it even."

Because of this mentally impaired fiancée, Mo Wenxuan had been ridiculed by the people in the village since he was young. Nan Feng was simply his disgrace.

Just at this moment, there was a slight commotion in the grain drying field.

There were murmurs. "That freak is here again."

"God, he's so disgusting. I'd rather go home and look at our pig than look at him."

"He looks pretty fierce."

Nan Feng followed the crowd's gaze and saw a man coming over. He was very tall, at least one meter eighty-five in modern measurements, which was considered tall in ancient times.

Unfortunately, he had a hunchback.

His face was also very ugly, as black as charcoal, and his features were almost twisted, making him appear frightening. His clothes were ragged, patched here and there.

He was an abandoned child brought back from outside the village by Second Grandfather. Second Grandfather had three ungrateful sons, so to get himself taken care of in his old age, he brought back a foster son.

This foster son had no name and rarely spoke. He was called "Wild Brother" by Second Grandfather, implying he was like a younger brother found in the wilderness.

Ignoring the stares from the villagers, Wild Brother quietly walked to Second Grandfather's patch of land in the grain drying field. He poured out the bag of rice he carried on his shoulder onto the ground, turning and sunning them one by one.

"Did you see it?" Mo Wenxuan spoke to Nan Feng again, "Consider yourself. A freak like you can only be paired with someone like Wild Brother. No, even Wild Brother probably wouldn't even look at you. So, stop following me, or I'll push you into the river!"

Nan Feng continued to examine the grains of rice, but did not respond to Mo Wenxuan immediately.

Mo Wenxuan, feeling annoyed, was about to turn and leave when he heard a clear voice from behind, "Mo Wenxuan, you're right!"

He turned around in surprise. This idiot used to stutter when she spoke and would always keep her head low, but now her voice sounded so full of spirit!

Nan Feng, tiny in stature, stood up straight, her voice resounding across the grain drying field, "You're right, we're not compatible at all. You have a golden exterior but rotten at heart, you're just an empty shell with a thoroughly bad heart. In my eyes, you're not even comparable to Wild Brother. Wild Brother, at least, is kind-hearted. I'd rather marry him than marry you!"

On the other side, Nan Feng's loud voice reached Wild Brother's ears. He paused for a moment, turned around, and looked at Nan Feng with deep significance.