Chapter 7: They're playing together?_1

Could it be that wild rabbit has returned?

Has it become addicted to playing with her?

But then again, it might not be a rabbit, but a wild wolf instead.

Having just tripped, Nan Feng would be helpless if a wolf showed up; she'd be its meal.

Her heart pounded. After an unlikely second chance at life, was she about to die so soon?

The rustling noises were getting closer. Nan Feng had no choice but to hide in the nearby bushes, gripping her knife tightly.

No matter what, she wouldn't just sit and wait to die; she would fight till her last breath!

So when Ye Ge walked up carrying the rabbit, what he saw was quite a sight—

Nan Feng sitting in the bushes, a knife in her hand and a murderous look in her eyes, her face covered in blisters.

Ye Ge paused slightly, taken aback.

But at the sight of him, Nan Feng's expression instantly relaxed. She gently patted her chest, "I thought a wolf was coming. Didn't expect it to be you."

Looking at the rabbit in Ye Ge's hands, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Hey, isn't that the rabbit I was chasing earlier? How did it end up in your hands?"

Without uttering a word, Ye Ge handed her the rabbit.

"You're giving it to me?" asked Nan Feng, puzzled.

Ye Ge nodded.

"But you caught it—" Although she'd seen the rabbit first, since Ye Ge captured it, naturally it should belong to him. She understood this rule.

Finally, Ye Ge spoke, "Keep it. I have more."

This was the first time Nan Feng had heard Ye Ge talk, his voice was very soothing; rough, low and deep, like a modern bass speaker.

Caught off guard, Ye Ge shoved the rabbit into her hands.

There was a wound in the rabbit's belly, likely caused by sharp tools like arrows. It had been killed during the hunt.

So, Ye Ge hunts?

"Thank you," Nan Feng was overjoyed, she hadn't had meat in such a long time, and now her mouth was watering.

Ye Ge's twisted face remained expressionless, as he said nonchalantly, "It's noon. We should hurry down the mountain."

"Okay," Nan Feng got up. Her foot felt less painful now and walking down the mountain shouldn't be a problem.

Ye Ge led the way as she followed.

While holding the rabbit, she asked, "Weren't you at the grain drying field? How did you end up here?"

Ye Ge kept it simple, "Worried."

"You were worried about me being up the mountain alone?"

His response was brief, "Hmm!"

"What about the grain drying field?"

"Second Master is taking care of it."

"Oh." She couldn't see his face, but Nan Feng liked listening to his voice. It was magnetic and sounded very masculine.

"Thank you for helping me hunt the rabbit today."

"You're welcome."

Seeing that he wasn't fond of chit-chat, Nan Feng decided to keep quiet and just followed him.

His steps were light, making nearly no noise as he walked. Nan Feng suspected he might have had some training.

When they arrived at a low bush, Ye Ge suddenly stopped. He parted the bushes, revealing a large fruit civet hidden inside. These animals survive on wild fruits and ants, they are about the same size as squirrels and are rich in protein.

"Wow, did you hunt this?" Nan Feng asked.

Ye Ge nodded.

No wonder he gave her the rabbit so readily, stating he had more. So he also caught a fruit civet. This civet should weigh at least two taels, and it was chubby, full of meat.

The two then descended the mountain and headed towards the grain drying field.

The sun was setting and villagers were busy gathering their share of grain.

So when Nan Feng and Ye Ge showed up together, they immediately attracted the attention of a large crowd.

"Nan Feng, that silly girl, is really hanging out with Ye Ge."

"Never noticed before, but now it seems like they are actually a perfect match. Both are so ugly they could scare the heavens."
