Chapter 33 Where Did She Learn Those Words?_1

But he was scolded by Mo Wenxuan, "What lesson? Get back on the carriage and let's go. If we stay any longer, the mountain bandits will come out!"

Tie Dan and Liu Chang glared at Nan Feng but they too had to climb on the mule cart.

Mo Wenxuan's carriage followed behind Nan Feng and Ye Ge's mule cart. Seeing that Nan Feng never looked back, he felt a sense of frustration in his heart.

What use is a scholar?

Where on earth did she learn to speak so eloquently?

By the time they returned to the village, night had fallen. The public security wasn't good during this period, but luckily the mule driver was a neighbor. Ye Ge told the driver to leave first and that he would carry the goods home himself.

Ye Ge carried the rice, Nan Feng carried the living supplies, Ye Ge signalled Nan Feng to go ahead while he followed behind.