Chapter 127 New Year's Eve Night (2)_1

Nan Quanyou spread out the tablecloth while Nan Feng brought out another jar of wine.

Fortunately, her foresight led her to buy two jars of rice wine at once.

As soon as she lifted the lid, the room was filled with a delightful blend of food and wine aroma, stimulating a surge of appetite.

The father and daughter ate and drank until it was dark.

"Father, we're lucky we turned down that clan chief yesterday, otherwise our New Year's Eve dinner would've been terrible," Nan Feng kept serving dishes to Nan Quanyou.

"You did the right thing, Fengfeng. I wouldn't have had the courage to refuse him."

"What's there to fear? We offered him good food and wine, we owe nothing to their clan. If they come again, we will maintain our stance!" Nan Feng said.

"Right, let's not speak of this dampener on New Year's. Here, let's have a toast," his father replied.


On the other side of the village.

Brother Ye also prepared a feast. There was also a pot of wine on the table.