Chapter 225: Bone Setting_1

Nan Feng was somewhat surprised, "I guess Doctor An must always have his patients on his mind, that's why he remembers things so clearly. If it was one of those irresponsible ones, they would probably forget about their yesterday's patients by today."

The apprentice replied: "Indeed, our Medical Hall has a post-treatment service team. Doctor An arranges for them to periodically visit patients at home to see how they are recovering. In any case, no patient who leaves Doctor An's care is left in a bad state."

Nan Feng could not help but praise: "Doctor An truly is a good doctor, no wonder so many people seek treatment from you!"

Doctor An chuckled and said: "You people should stop praising me now. Next, I'm going to carry out the bone setting procedure for your father. As for you, go outside and find a cart to bring over. Remember, it must be a stable one. Come back to fetch your father in two hours."