Chapter 245 Thank you for cooking for me (Second Update)_1

Nan Quanyou was half puzzled, but seeing Nan Feng so happy, he couldn't help but chuckle, "You've always been the resourceful one. If you enjoy doing these things, then go ahead. I won't be of much help to you, as long as I'm not holding you back. Besides, opening a store and procurement must require a significant amount of money and I wouldn't be able to fund you."

"No need, I've been saving money from selling herbs and hunting, but I've spent most of it now. It all depends on whether the store can make a profit. Dad, once I make more money, I plan to build a big house for you," Nan Feng answered confidently, looking energetic despite having worked all day.

Nan Quanyou smiled, "Let's eat first. You've been working this long, it's time for dinner."

"Alright, Dad, I'll go and cook!" Nan Feng said.

Just as she was about to turn around, Nan Quanyou stopped her, "Ah, Feng, the meal has already been prepared. You can simply grab a bowl and eat."