Chapter 265: Not Interested in Her (Second Update)_1

Nan Quanyou felt that it was a fair exchange - Lin Qiaoyun helped him wash the pots and rinse the rice, he gave them steamed buns to eat, and talked to Fuge about Da Ping Village, essentially helping to watch her child.

But when Lin Qiaoyun saw how Fuge was relying on Nan Quanyou, a blush crept onto her face, and she decided to help Nan Quanyou start the fire as well.

"Brother Quanyou, please watch the fire. Once the porridge starts to boil, put out the firewood. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes," Lin Qiaoyun instructed.

"Alright then, thank you. You should hurry off to work, Fuge is in capable hands with me here."

"Alright, I'll get going. Please take care of Fuge," Lin Qiaoyun said, slightly embarrassed.

"No worries at all, go ahead," Nan Quanyou replied.