Chapter 300: Want to follow him (4th update) _1

Over at the communal courtyard.

Nan Quanyou thought Nan Feng wouldn't return tonight. He had just heated water to wash his face and feet and was about to go to bed when he heard a knock at the door.

Assuming it was Nan Feng, he put on his shoes and felt his way toward the door to open it, without lighting a lamp to avoid wasting lamp oil and candles.

However, when Nan Quanyou opened the door, he saw Lin Qiaoyun standing outside, alone without Brother Fu. Qiaoyun seemed to have just taken a bath; her hair was still damp, draped over her shoulders, and she smelled of soap. She was only thirty-five and had kept her figure slim through hard labour. Under the faint starlight, Nan Quanyou found her attractive for the first time.

"Qiaoyun, why are you here? Where's Brother Fu?" Nan Quanyou asked, thinking she might need help with something.

Qiaoyun, who did not have any trouble, shyly lowered her head and asked, "Can I come in and chat with you for a while?"