Chapter 329: Hero Saves the Beauty (Third Update) _1

The mountain trail is wide enough for two people, flanked by trees, wildflowers, and grass, along with oddly shaped rocks. The path is fairly secluded, with only occasional pilgrims descending from the mountain. No other travelers can be seen.

Even Song Xiaoyue couldn't help but complain: "Mother, there are so many temples in town. Why do we have to venture into these deep mountains to worship?"

"Didn't I chat with someone a few days ago? Someone told me that inside the Jade Buddha Temple there is a Moon Temple. This Moon Temple is very efficacious. Many young men and women who couldn't find a match came here to pray and ended up finding a good marriage," Lady Song said.

"Mother, where did you chat again? Why do you believe everything people say?" Seventeen-year-old Song Xiaoyue always found her mother to be more like a seventeen-year-old. If it weren't for her mother's relentless persuasion, she would not want to come to this place.