Chapter 355 Returning to Daping Village to Propose Marriage_1

After Nan Feng paid the rent, she hired some workers to repair the house. Soon after, she moved out of the old community courtyard.

When the sign of the mansion was changed to "Nan Mansion," she felt particularly proud.

The house, located in the west of the city, was a standalone villa with its independent courtyard. All the trees planted in the house yard were osmanthus trees. What does this mean?

Villa, of course!

If it were her previous life, she probably couldn't afford such a house even if she worked tirelessly until old age.

Wan Jian'an had not moved in yet. His current job required him to live in the Yamen. Moreover, they were not officially married yet. Moving in together now could trigger gossip. The rumors of those years could wreak havoc on people's lives.

However, Nan Feng and Wan Jian'an had agreed that they would finalize their marriage arrangement when they returned to Daping Village in the near future.