Chapter 449: Ye Ge's Task_1

Nan Feng was taken aback by what she heard.

The only thing she grasped was: it turns out, I'm such an attractive person, how come I never realized it before?

Seeing Nan Feng's intoxicated expression, Xue Ling couldn't help but push her a bit: "Do you agree or not?"

"But what if one day you miss Long San and run off with him again?" Nan Feng asked.

"I swear, even if I run after him, it won't impact the business here. Like during the Chinese New Year, you have to give me leave, right? I'll use that time to sneak a peek at him, would that be okay?"

"You're still holding on?" Nan Feng asked.

"I've been in love with him for so many years, how could I just give up?" Xue Ling said wistfully, then asked Nan Feng again, "Enough of this, are you going to agree or not? I've put my blood, sweat, and tears into this shop, it means a lot to me. Pay me a salary, I don't ask for much, the same amount as Feng Gu from your shop is enough."