Chapter 464: Want to Give it a Try? _1

He never thought that, with a face as ugly as his, he could still attract ladies other than Nan Feng.

Song Xiaoyue always behaved shyly in front of him, as if he were some noble young master from a well-off family, and she merely a maid.

She held up a food container in her hands: " mother made some Dim Sum, do you want to try some?"

"Thank you, I've already eaten," he bluntly replied before shutting the door without another word.

With a "clang", Song Xiaoyue was left outside.

Wanting to knock on his door again, but her hand raised to the door, she didn't have the courage to tap.

Tears began to pour from Song Xiaoyue's eyes, dropping big droplets.


"Father, Mother, have you gone to bed yet?"

That night, Song Xiaoyue knocked on Song Cheng's door. There was still light inside, her parents probably hadn't gone to sleep yet.