Chapter 503: Naughty Girl, Stand Still for Me!_1

The user experience, then... the box is delicate, made from fine sandalwood, with blotting paper included within. However, the rouge packaging isn't very generous – it would last about six months with daily use. The scent of the rouge is quite pleasant, not remotely off-putting like some lower-quality products. As for whether it's worth two taels of silver or not, Nan Feng thought that was subjective.

While looking in the mirror, Nan Feng asked one of the salespeople, "Where's your shop owner?"

"Miss, this is our newly opened branch of Zhi Mei Tang. The owner is at the head office. Are you dissatisfied with our rouge?" The salesperson was slightly nervous when Nan Feng asked to see the owner.

These shops are always afraid of complaints from customers.

"No, not at all. I'm quite satisfied actually. I'm just curious about what kind of person the owner must be to produce such good-quality rouge," Nan Feng said in a casual manner.