Chapter 543: What Do You Want?_1

The face of Old Lady Zhi, creased with age, did not reveal too much distress; she was a woman who remained gracefully elegant even in her old age.

"Give me some time to consider this matter, and I will inform you once I've made a decision," she said.

"Understood," the house servant quietly exited the room.

No sooner had the servant left than the granddaughter-in-law of the Chen Family entered.

"Grandmother, have you heard..., about my sister-in-law...she's been imprisoned," asked Mrs. Chen, her gaze fixated on the beads in Old Lady Zhi's hand for she dared not meet the old lady's eyes.

"Someone has already reported it to me," replied Old Lady Zhi, who had always found Mrs. Chen distasteful, feeling that her indirect speech took too many words to convey a simple point.

"Grandmother, over the years, I've been diligently working at Zhi's Beauty Pavilion," Mrs. Chen said.

"And so?"