Chapter 644: Time to Act_1

"Sure," Mo Wenxuan didn't dare to bother Nan Feng too much, and said, "I'll go back first, remember to be careful these days, and don't move around too much."


Nan Feng stopped talking, so Mo Wenxuan didn't dare to say anything else either, and reluctantly left.

At the end of the street corner, a man in white was standing there, watching Mo Wenxuan's departing figure indifferently, and then ordered the butler Yan who was behind him: "Send someone to find out about that man, where he lives, and what his identity is now."

"Understood, gang leader."



At the docks of the Provincial City, a figure in white boarded a two-story ship.

Not too long after, the ship set sail, and as it was approaching the center of the river, a pigeon flew in from the north and gracefully landed on the ship, stopping on the mast in front of Long San.

Long San took the pigeon, untied the string on its foot, and opened the note, which was blank.