And it was not until the fireworks next to them had burned out and the surroundings had returned to tranquility, and the sound of frogs reached his ears, that Xia Dabao finally pushed Long Aixi away.
She covered her swollen lips, looked at Long Aixi again, then retreated two steps. Her mind was still blank, and then she ran back, her feet sinking unevenly into the grass.
Long Aixi did not follow her, but just watched her retreating figure silently.
Xia Dabao ran all the way back to her room, hastily shut the door, and finally threw herself onto the bed. When Lanlan came to ask what was wrong, she did not speak, and Lanlan tactfully left her alone.
It took a long time lying on the bed before Xia Dabao slowly felt her thoughts returning.
Why did Long Aixi's kiss cause such a great turmoil within her?
Did she actually like him or not?
Wasn't it said that being kissed by the one you love should feel sweet and blissful? Why then was her mind blank?
Where was the sweetness?