Malzeno Paramaters

Malzeno "The Vampiric Dragon Knight" (Ruler)


Strength (A) - (EX - Bloodening State)

Endurance: (A+)

Agility: (A) (EX in Bloodening State) 

Mana: (B - A)

Luck: (B)

NP: A - EX (Situational) 

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance - EX

Independent Action - EX

Noble Phantasm: 

Bloodening State. An Anti-Unit (Self) Noble Phantasm that allows Malzeno to enter a state of intense power. With this, the individual becomes stronger, faster, and more aggressive while retaining their sense of mind despite such a state. (Human/Dragon State)

Scarlet Rain. An Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm that allows Malzeno to charge a large cluster of red and black energy (Mana in this case). Depending on the charge and density, it can destroy an entire fortress or Mountain. 

Personal Skills:

Vampirism - (A) 

Due to his symbiotic nature with the Qurio, Malzeno changed into a Bloodsucking Dragon, allowing it to drink blood to regain strength. (Human/Dragon State)

Partial Transformation - (A) 

Once a Dragon, always a Dragon. Malzeno can regrow or summon his tail or wings to give him more flexibility. With its former knight-like combat and brutal cunninginess, Malzeno can use its tail as if wielding a sword. (Human State)

Dragon Supremacy Of The Elder Dragon: (A - EX)

Due to Malzeno being an Elder Dragon, he is rightfully feared and deserves its respect. Anything equal or above will be unaffected, but those with Dragon-like traits will immediately falter under his presence as if he were their God. Anyone treacherous enough will be handled swiftly. This can also be used to tame most Dragonkin. (Human/Dragon State)

Blood Rite: (B) ( EX with another Bloodsucker)

Due to his nature with the Qurio, Malzeno is now in command of them, and as such, he can give his team a boost in their attacks by having a Qurio kill itself to transfer the accumulated energy to said teammate. It's doubled if the teammate in question is also a bloodsucker. 


AN: Feel free to correct me on anything, but this is as nerfed as an Elder Dragon like Malzeno can get.