Evil From A Faraway Land [2]

Someone not from their world.

That left Romani more on edge than the other three. The aura surrounding Malzeno also made Romani shiver like he took a dip in a cold lake in Alaska. He didn't know what to think of this. His greenish-blue eyes conveyed his worries, but as long as Malzeno would serve as a protector of Humanity, he could extend a small amount of trust.

"I'm quite glad you introduced yourself. Calling you a little girl isn't appropriate. If you don't lose sight of your goals, I will aid you in this quest. I care not for Humanity, but I will fight for you."

Ritsuka was astonished, not because Malzeno bluntly told them he cared little for Humanity, but because he didn't wish to call her a little girl. Of course, that would make any young or older woman lash out at the person calling them such things. She was silent for a moment before she realized Malzeno was waiting for her to speak, getting her face to blush in embarrassment. She covered this up by coughing into her hands.

"Right! Thank you, Malzeno."

"Of course, Young Tangerine. I'm up to speed about the state of Humanity. I doubt even Fatalis would cause this much damage." 

"Fatalis?" Da Vinci asked curiously, wanting to probe more about the armored foreigner and his world, if he was entirely from a different world.

"The quickest explanation is that he is equal to God," Malzeno answered, removing the helm of his armor to show his face. 

"O-oh…" Da Vinci said in response, it wasn't directed to Malzeno's answer, but to his face.

Malzeno had hazel-tanned skin with opalescent red irises, almost demonic in appearance. His metallic gray hair, tied into a man bun, added to his mature look, as he seemed to be in his late twenties while possessing the air of a veteran. Under his eyes were red-lined markings. (AN: For reference, Emiya's face, with the features I listed to make it easier, and Eren's Titans markings)

"Uh, Malzeno-Senpai, If I may ask a question?" Mash asked politely, feeling the regality surrounding Malzeno now that his face was revealed.

Malzeno looked at the Demi-Servant and nodded. "Of course. However, I feel we should talk while sitting down, correct?"


"Of course!" Ritsuka interrupted Romani, getting him to sulk. 




Malzeno looked around the kitchen area, having learned what this was by the forces he spoke with before crossing over to this world. Upon closer inspection, he could tell the Humans of this Earth were weak, and an Elder Dragon like Chameleos may have a fun time playing tricks on them. 

Of course, that was only upon his first observation. If they were strong, they would've handled the threat that would bring about their imminent demise. Malzeno had the luxury of seeing firsthand the miracles Humans bring when banding together. 

"The first question I would like to ask is why those things fly over your head?"

Malzeno looked up to see the Qurio happily twirling around his head like a living halo. He blinked before turning his attention to Mash. He could feel another soul within her but refused to acknowledge it, as who he was speaking with was the young knight before him.

"We share a symbiotic nature," Malzeno answered without hesitation. The raised eyebrows were enough to tell him to continue. "As you're not aware, I never had a Human body in my world, and when crossing over, it seems I was given one."

"Really? Then…"

"I'm an Elder Dragon, a creature with high intellect that is on par with humans or more. I was but one of many. The Qurio were not originally mine…I saved my home or territory from a demon. After the battle, as a last attempt to kill me, he sent a wave of Qurio after me, but he didn't expect me to become their new master, at least temporarily." 

The natural reaction to this was jaw drops, but from Da Vinci, it was more of an excited little girl writing everything down in her notes. At least it was rare to meet someone from another world, a Dragon. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to satisfy her thirst for knowledge.

"Thank you for being honest. I could tell you weren't lying about this. I find it hard to grasp that you're a Dragon, especially from another world," Mash expressed her gratitude with a serene smile, something that Malzeno returned.

"I have no reason to lie. No one from my world exists here, and thankfully so. I mean no offense, but the world here is weak. Black Dragons would find and kill the source if they felt a disturbance."

"I'm quite curious. These Black Dragons, are they really Gods of your world?" 

"That is correct, as far as I'm aware. Their history is vague, and many Humans made tales about them, but I know better. I will talk more about this another time. It would seem that the hunt awaits us."

And on cue, Romani received an alert about the next Singularity. Romani looked surprised at this. Romani looked at Malzeno, who shrugged, getting Romani to sigh.

"Anyway. My name is Romani Archaman, the Director of Chaldea. I have to ask this, Ruler, no, Malzeno. Will you help us with our mission of recovering the future of Humanity?"

Malzeno felt the words of Romani, its resolve and dedication. It reminded him of the Knights Of The Order. 

"I will. I don't intend to fail once again," Malzeno answered, getting a nod from Romani.

Malzeno's words hung in the air like a cloud. What exactly did he fail? Ritsuka wanted to pry, but she knew it must've been a drastic failure if Malzeno seemed to left it cryptic and vague. She'll ask when they're closer, but play it safe for now.




After a short briefing and being sent through the Spiritron Drive, Ritsuka, Mash, and Malzeno found themselves in 1431 A.D, during the Hundred Years War, France. Malzeno didn't care much about this world's history, having decided to save its future and not its past. 

However, the first thing Malzeno felt was the scent of blood. It was a calling that would drive him insane if he was anything like he was when he first bonded with the Qurio. But not only that, he could smell the traces of this world's "Dragons." or "Wyverns." 

"Young Tangerine. Be careful."

"Hmm? What's wrong, Malzeno?" 






AN: I decided to have Malzeno be an Emiya face. It'll be much easier to remember anyway. I'm taking things a bit slow this time, but not too slow. I'll leave that to you guys whether I have Monsters pop up in Singularities. 

Let me know your thoughts. Writing Malzeno's character will be fun. After all, it is a Monster, but Capcom gave it so much character. This is mainly how I feel he'd act. And yeah, he calls Ritsuka Young Tangerine.