Brutish Saint


A Commanding voice yelled amid the chaos surrounding them. With glimmering silver armor reminiscent of platinum, a man in his late twenties or early thirties stood valiantly as he fought back a storm of Wyverns.

His swordsmanship was impeccable by the standards of the current era. One Wyvern went for his flank, but he maneuvered accordingly, slashing the chests of the flying beasts up until his sword reached the jaw. 

Rivers of blood flowed down his sword and onto his chest plate. This small platoon's leader was Gilles De Rais before he walked the path of heresy, defilement, and corruption.

Although his appearance was lacking, his presence and determination rejuvenated everyone's morale, pushing them forward in this chaotic feud.

"But with this many Wyverns, we'll be slaughtered like sheep…" Gilles said as sweat poured down the edge of his face. His face broke into a strained and hopeless expression.

"Excuse my intrusion, strong knights!" 

The men fighting and even the Wyverns stop to look at the queen of France, Marie, who appeared to have a cheerful smile, despite the tense situation. 

"Allow me to sing a wonderful song!~" 

As Marie began singing, the Wyvern was suddenly blasted by an energy of light.

"My voice is a symbol of royal authority. The remnant of a time when Kings acted on behalf of God. The realization of the power of a king to rule over his subjects."

Marie showed a pleasant smile so radiant that the Wyverns became an afterthought.

"Or, in this case, my voice is a weapon. We're lucky that my voice can reach Dragons as well."

"I think that your voice can kill everything if you put effort into it," Malzeno walked up with the rest of the group. 

"Hmm, I'd rather not, then I wouldn't be able to have friends." 

Marie turned her attention to Gilles, whose presence was completely overshadowed by the radiance that Marie brought. His light paled in comparison. 

"W-who are you?" 

As Jeanne approached, the Knights all began to ready their weapons, forgetting that Marie had saved their hides. One of the knights threw a sharp rock that struck Jeanne on the left side of her face. 

"It's because of you that all of this is happening!" A knight bellowed with righteous rage. 

"Dragon Witch, it's time to pay for your atrocities!" 

Before anyone else could react, the hollow laughter of Malzeno echoed, freezing everyone in place. It was as if the haunting laughter had the power of gravity, stopping them from making any moves towards Jeanne.

"Humans are shortsighted. Does this woman here look like the Dragon Witch?" Malzeno asked, his voice carrying no mirth or emotions for that matter. 

One knight almost spoke up, but the crimson gaze from Malzeno sent a deep, cold shiver down his spine. 

"T-the devil!" The same knight managed to utter. 




"What a wonderful morning this is, wouldn't you agree, Ruler?" 

Malzeno turned an eye to the approaching figure, with purple hair flowing like a waterfall. Saint Martha carried an attractive allure, but her hidden brutish personality came with that allure.

"She's one of the Dragon Witches Servants! Master, get behind me!" Mash cried out as Saint Martha walked from the clearing, ignoring the knights. 

"What a shame. You're protecting this country a second time, but they treat you as an enemy," Saint Martha's words were harsh, but they were the truth.

Jeanne rubbed the blood trickling down the left side of her. Although Saint Martha was correct, Jeanne refused to give up. The angered expressions on the knight's faces were like sharp blades, cutting her each second. 

"Let me ask you a question, Jeanne D'arc. What're you feeling?"

It was a valid question, something Jeanne felt was akin to a boulder pressed on her back as if carrying it for miles on end. Malzeno wished to help in this situation but was interested in knowing Jeanne's answer. Would she respond with hate? Pity? All these questions made him giddy. 

"Normally….I would feel anger, depression, or even despair," Jeanne started with her head up high, her eyes closed as she took in a large amount of air. 

"Although I am incomplete if taking in the world's hate could lift them, for them to hate my very being utterly, I think it's a good thing."

Malzeno's jaw dropped momentarily. The impact of Jeanne's words was something he wouldn't expect. It moved him because he was in a similar boat. Maybe they were a part of the same boat.

Malzeno was truly moved by this, as was everyone but the angry knights. Malzeno couldn't help but raise his hands to clap. This action garnered the eyes of everyone.

"You're truly a blessing, Jeanne D'Arc, and as such, I will personally see to it that no one harms you." 


Malzeno summoned his Duke Impaler, twirling it around in a masterful manner. The Knights gulped as they felt a foreboding breeze wash through the area.

"Fight me," Malzeno pointed his spear at the knights. "If you're ready to die. As long as I exist, no harm shall ever reach Jeanne D'arc." 

Saint Martha was utterly confused by this and couldn't help but question.

"You're not of this world, yet you wish to protect the Saint from the hatred of these knights. Why?"

Malzeno cupped his chin. A faint smile appeared on his face. 

"Because it's who she is. A person as pure as this deserves to be protected, right? To say taking in the world's hate takes much more than courage or bravery. It takes an indomitable will." 

"….Malzeno," Jeanne spoke softly, touched by the words the foreigner spoke on her behalf.

"I see…then that means you'll fight me?"

Malzeno had a rapt grin appear on his face. "I wanted to fight you from before. We can settle the score here!"

Ritsuka looked at Jeanne, thinking about the Command Seals on her hand. If she formed an official contract…Jeanne would regain some of her strength.

Ritsuka also shared a grin, matching Malzeno's intensity.

"Let's form a contract, Jeanne! Although I have faith in Malzeno. He may need backup."

Jeanne looked at Malzeno, who was preparing to fight Saint Martha. Her mind raced back to the words he said. 

"Right! I wish to help Malzeno!" 


AN: 2 Out of 3 chapters for the week finished. Not much to say here, let me know your thoughts!