The Final Showdown

AN: Yo! It's been a while, but here's part one of the last bits of the Singularity. This chapter has over 4k words; however, they may seem like they were supposed to be individual chapters, and that's because I was writing them like that over on Wattpad, so this chapter is worth about 4 chapters. I've been playing through the other singularities, and I hate to say that I haven't found a way to incorporate Malzeno in them, so Orleans may be the one and only Singularity I do until further notice. If you see any mistakes, I'll correct them when I can; for now, I hope you all have a good holiday!




"I see, so Saint Martha left us with a lead," Ritsuka, feeling refreshed after a night of good rest, spoke with her usual cheerful voice, but there was an underlying concern about this. 

"That's correct. A Dragon Slayer was said to be kept hidden due to her actions. Saint Martha made sure of it," Malzeno continued, feeling like his old self after dipping in the lake. 

"I believe we may encounter some trouble," Mozart added. "We can't be sure that the Dragon Witch doesn't know this either."

"Lighten up," Elizabeth interjected, her eyes closed and arms crossed. "We'll still beat them silly, so don't be the typical boorish coach."

"I agree with the kid," Malzeno smiled. "More enemies means more opportunities to fight. I can't pass up a chance like that."

"You two..." Mozart was at a loss for words at the pair but silently resigned to his fate with a sigh. 

"If we do encounter forces, what then? I'm sure we'll face tougher challenges," Kiyohime said behind her fan. 

"Naturally, the best course is to beat them up. But I have a feeling it'll be worse."

"Why is that?" Jeanne asked, her eyes conveying her confusion like flickering lamps. 

"As you all know, I come from a different World, or for simplicity's sake, a different Earth," Malzeno began, his crimson eyes burning like a furnace.

"We're not just fighting the Evil Dragon. We will be facing my archenemy, Giasmagorm, the Archdemon."

A chilling silence reigned, only to be interrupted by Roman's shout.


"You're not joking," Roman continued. You can feel his anxiety through the transmission. 

"I never lie. He is here, even now his stench bothers me," Malzeno spat. "This isn't like fighting a Servant. I have no doubt that we will win, but it's best if you know the gravity of the situation."

"How dangerous are we talking about?" Mozart asked, albeit with the same feeling as Roman.

"He's the original master of these," Malzeno pointed to the Qurio on his hand. 

"I've noticed that you have far less now," Mozart pointed out, getting Malzeno to nod.

"They've returned to the Archdemon. And considering how the Dragon Witch operates, Giasmagorm will be more difficult for me this time around. I may even die."

"...." Jeanne remained silent as Malzeno doubted himself, but he still seemed positive that he could win.

Was there truly no hope? She did not wish to meet this beast if it could have Malzeno second-guessing himself. He did tell her he was weaker than he was before the affliction last night, but he could still keep the Archedemon at bay.

"Most of all, Gilles De Rais summoned him here due to a fracture between our respective worlds."

"Wait, how do you know that?"

"You're not going to believe me, but it was the planet's will, Gaia," Malzeno said without hesitation.


"That was Roman fainting," Da Vinci said, picking up Roman's slack. "But this does line up well with how you were able to be summoned here."

"Indeed, I made a promise to her as well to protect the planet. If I leave Giasmagorm around, he can turn this world barren." 

"The real question here is, will this happen more?" Ritsuka cupped her chin in thought. She wondered if more monsters from Malzeno's world would end up in the singularities to come.

"It seems likely," Da Vinci huffed. "The mission is the same but with more hassles. Malzeno, are there any Monsters we should be worried about?"

"There is plenty I can name, but for now, I'll give you five monsters" 

"The first one would be Amatsumagatsuchi, or Amatsu for short," It was a mouthful to say the full name. 

"They never touch the ground, and if they do, it's because they're dead. But don't let that get to your head. Their existence is a calamity given form, with the red storms they cause by breathing that can tear apart a country in a matter of minutes." 

"The next one would be Valstrax, who I feel would give me a good fight. They're the fastest monsters recorded and typically fight with Amatsu whenever it's in the vicinity."

"I'm starting to see the pattern with you and Valstrax," Mash spoke for the first time, her strict tone setting a no-nonsense mood.

"You and Valstrax seem to fight against these other, more dangerous monsters, but for you it seems like a wish to protect the humans in your territory, while Valstrax seems to do it because Amatsu is encroaching in its territory. It's the same concept but different execution."

Malzeno blinked, not expecting the deduction from Mash to be spot on. 

"I can't say what goes on in the heads of others. Normally, I wouldn't think such things."

"But, moving on. The next would be Nergigante, who is one of the more physically challenging Elder Dragons. They have no specific element but make up for their regenerative abilities and brute force. They also eat other Elder Dragons." 

"The fourth would be Rajang, a non-Elder Dragon who is said to be the pinnacle of strength. They can fight Elder Dragons equally and gain their electric powers from eating a Kirin horn."

"And the last would be Magnamalo, another non-Elder Dragon. It can use hellfire. I fought a few to a tie, but they're insanely powerful."

"If any of these five were summoned, I don't know if I would win, and that's not me doubting my abilities, but the honest truth. I'm far from the strongest." 

With the list settling into everyone's mind, they all got an idea of how to proceed with these new factors in play. It was more work for the Chaldeans but necessary to ensure humanity's and the planet's survival. 

"Do we know the name of the Evil Dragon?" Ritsuka asked the one question on everyone's mind. 

Jeanne sighed. "Martha told me that it was..."


"The Dragon known in many myths and stories said to be the greatest being in Dragon Kind," Da Vinci's words were that of a history teacher, conveying her useful knowledge on the matter.

"Usually, when you hear the true name of an enemy, you get ecstatic, but with something of that caliber, I think we lack the needed resources, and by that, I mean Servants."

"Thankfully, we're going to get us a Dragon Slayer," Ritsuka felt her heart thump against her chest with anxiety, it was bad news after bad news! 

As the group got ready to depart, Malzeno stood guard. His mind reviewed the details of his discussion with Gaia and the revelation about Giasmagorm being here. If he had to describe his feelings in one word, it would be...


Anger at his nonchalance while being here. He should have handled all the fights to avoid this large catastrophe. Now, he was going to fight a bitter rival once again. He wasn't sure if he could win this time. The hunters in his world had put in a lot of work while fighting Giasmagorm. 

"So he fell through the gap too," Malzeno uttered aimlessly, his mind focused narrowly on his rival. 

"You're worried, aren't you?" 

Malzeno didn't need to look to see that Jeanne spoke to him. His arms folded in a stoic manner, and his crimson eyes stared distantly into the direction of Lyon.

"Yes," Malzeno unfolded his arms and brought his clenched fist to eye level. 

"That dreadful dragon is more important than that Fafnir fellow you guys are scared of. I have a gut feeling that the other Jeanne doesn't know of this."

"You believe so?"

"Yes, but we'll have to wait and see. Let's get going. I would like to see this Dragon Slayer."




On the outskirts of Lyon, the group had come up empty-handed; it seemed their person of interest was not here, having vanished like the fleeting winds. 

"It seems from here, we'll split into two groups," Jeanne said resolutely. Her determination to find the Dragon Slayer was written on her face. 

"But this place will be our compound!" Jeanne said while holding up her flag to show her seriousness. 

"Very well," Malzeno nodded in agreement. 

"I'll cook!" Malzeno said uncharacteristically, getting everyone to blink. "What?"

"I should cook!" Kiyohime glared, her emerald blue eyes housing a burning fire within them.

"Sit down," Malzeno said smoothly, but it carried a dangerous undertone, making Kiyohime immediately resign. 

"Sorry, sir!"

"Sir?" Ritsuka and Mash said simultaneously while their blinking continued.

"It may be the vessel, but I have great knowledge about culinary arts," Malzeno wrapped a white bandage from his kimono's pockets around his forehead. 

"Ummm, where did he get that?" Mash asked cutely, her invisible ahoge flickered along her curiosity. 

"Let's worry about that later."

With the lingering news about Gilles summoning Giasmagorm, the group found it necessary to have a moment of reprieve.

As everyone sat to eat Malzeno's cooking, the man of the hour was currently listening to Elizabeth's humming. He was preoccupied with figuring out how this rag-tag group could handle the threats to come in the foreseeable future. 

"Hey, pops! You think I could beat my future self?" 

With a slow blink, Malzeno smiled. "Of course. Nothing is set in stone. Just believe in yourself, and you'll overcome anything."

Elizabeth nodded her head with crossed arms and closed eyes. "Of course I can. You also have someone you gotta fight, too. I know you can beat whoever this Giasmagorm guy is!"

"Well, I definitely gotta beat him if you think I can."

"Mhm, naturally."

"Enough of that," Marie interjected. "Let's talk about something love."

Elizabeth and Kiyohime seemed to gain stars for eyes while Malzeno tilted his head. Love wasn't something he cared for, and certainly not now. However, he can use this as a learning experience. 

"This sounds like fun!" 

"If it is about love, I happen to be experienced," Kiyohime's aura suddenly changed, but no one noticed it. 

"I understand why these three started to travel together," Malzeno thought with a sweat drop.

"I'm going to go eat some metal," Malzeno said, feeling dreadful about the conversation, but he was stopped as Marie stood before him. 

"You're invited, too. You need to learn what love is as well."

"Wait, what?" 




Malzeno grumbled as he sat cross-legged, his arms folded in front of him as he was forced to listen to the girls talk about love. 

"I've never done a girl's talk before," Mash voiced shyly. 

"Non! Don't worry, this won't be terrible. It's simply a discussion amongst us women,"

"Umm," Malzeno wanted to interject but let his head drop to the table, finding that to be useless.

"Well, I remember when I was alive, I did get married," Elizabeth spoke first. "But I'm from before that, but I'm sure I did get married."

As the conversation continued. Malzeno and Mash were surprised by the flushed faces on everyone. 

"Does love really do this?" 

"Those this what happens when talking about love?" 

These were the thoughts running through Malzeno and Mash's heads. Malzeno still found love pointless, as if not worth his time. It wasn't something he particularly cared for and probably never will. However, he can see the benefits it can bring. Happiness, for one. 

As this went through his head, his resolve to protect these people grew stronger, like a well being flooded with water. He steadily felt better. His crimson eyes had the glint of a diamond reflecting light.

As the conversation continued, Amadeus began to play a soft tune, fitting the joyous atmosphere as everyone dined on Malzeno's cooking. It wasn't much, but it was honest work. 




As the day passed, night fell, and that was when Malzeno sent his remaining Qurio to scout the surroundings, allowing for everyone to rest. 

Malzeno sat upon a small hill, the ferns crushed beneath him, and the soothing breeze brushed against his face. His silver hair billowed, but his eyes continued to look at the moon. 

"Oh, you're here."

Malzeno turned his head to see that it was Mash. The girl was a busybody, staying awake to ensure nothing happened to Ritsuka and everyone else. 

"Sit with me," Malzeno gave a genial smile, which Mash welcomed as she sat beside him. 

"You know, kid, you're braver than most," Malzeno began. "No offense, but I thought you would hold us back at first."

"None taken. I'm still new to this, but I've been improving."

Mash had agreed with Malzeno's words. She felt she was a liability, but that hasn't been the case so far. She was pulling her weight, contributing to the team with all she could muster. 

"Being new at something is okay. We all start off weak. Some of us are born strong, but being born strong is different from being strong."

Malzeno began to lay down against the grass. His eyes closed as he felt himself marinate into the earth. 

"All it takes is the slightest trigger to change a person," Malzeno continued. "Young Lady, give it your best."

With those words, Malzeno drifted off into a blissful sleep, letting the silent embrace that came with it cover him. Mash looked up at the moon, taking Malzeno's words to heart as her confidence shot up. 




In Orleans, a man hurriedly walked down a hall, his steps leaving behind a trail of blood. His breath sounded like the ragged heaving of a tired prey item that scurried for its life.

"How unfortunate."

The man's eyes shot open as he felt...body less. His head was carefully placed in the hands of another. 

"How unsightly, did you lose that bad?"

"Well, seems like the Dragon Slayer got you. With your spiritual core eroded, you're better off dying here and now."

"Great work, Berserk Assassin, Monsieur De Paris."

"Of course. My work is best shone in moments like this."

Jalter sported a smile, one of wickedness. 

"Find the Dragon Slayer and kill them," Jalter ordered. "If the rats come out of their borrows, kill them as well." 

"Very well, this will be an opportunity to polish my skills," The man began to walk away, his hands inside his coat pocket.

Jalter closed her eyes with a sigh. "Yes, I look forward to seeing your results." 

The Sanson Houses' fourth executioner, the fourth Monsieur De Paris, Charles-Henri Sanson. The man who chopped off the neck of Marie Antoinette. 

As the Executioner disappeared from view, Jalter had a look of uncertainty in her eyes. She knew if Sanson encountered the opposing Ruler, he would fail. 

It was time for her to make a final stand. 




Under the scorching sun, the sound of battle echoed, rattling with the cries of dying men and beasts. 

"Keep the pressure! Today, we become Dragon's worst enemy!" The shout came from Gilles, the good one before his journey of madness. 

He continuously gave out orders, which were met with compliance from his platoon. He was heading towards Orleans but met opposition by a sudden horde of Wyverns. This was not his day. It truly wasn't. 




Malzeno, Ritsuka, Mash, Amadeus, and Kiyohime had reached their destination: Thiers. 

"It's been a few days since we separated from Jeanne and the others; we've finally arrived," Ritsuka released a pent-up sigh of relief. 

"That Fafnir fellow is still lingering. I believe if we can't find that Dragon Slayer, I'll have to transform," Malzeno quite liked his new body, but his old body would be a huge boon for the rest of the group. 

"We should rest. The walk was quite arduous," Amadeus suggested, with everyone nodding their heads in agreement. 

After everything was set, the group took the time to rest their weary bones. Malzeno, however, was quite restless; he barely felt fatigued, and only once did he do so when fighting against Saint Martha. 

Her dying words left him looking at humans in a new light. He would continue to help humanity, only stopping unless they decide to destroy themselves. He was selfish and probably will continue to be so. 

"Caster, tell me about Marie. She was a queen, yes?" Malzeno wanted to learn about Marie Antoinette. Her character caught Malzeno's attention. 

"I'm surprised you wish to learn more about someone like her."

"True, but she's quite unique."

"I see," Amadeus sounded nonchalant, but he was shocked to find out that the Dragon wished to know about his old friend. 

"Well, in German, her name is Maria Antonia. She married at the young age of 14."

"Isn't that too young? I doubt she was mature enough." 

"You would be right, but it was a political marriage. Both families bring in something the other needs: wealth, power, or status." 

Malzeno hummed, beckoning Amadeus to continue. 

"What awaited her was a grand, glimmering life at Versailles. There, she battled for the sake of people, cutting off royal funds to ensure the people were able to eat during times of famine, but in the end, that didn't save her from being beheaded." 

Malzeno knew Amadeus had left some stuff out and was thankful for it. It seemed Marie Antoinette was an amazing person who enjoyed her life to the fullest while keeping her citizens secure with the necessary needs. 

To die the way she did ticked off something within Malzeno. Was it anger, pity, or perhaps guilt? She should've died naturally. Everyone deserves to die like that. 

"Thanks for telling me this." 

"You're quite welcome. It was refreshing to talk about this. You're starting to become human yourself."

Malzeno blinked. "I am?"

"Of course!"




"I wish Pops were here; he could've carried me on his back!"

"It's funny because he is the type to do so," Marie's smile was brimmed with radiance; although her time was brief with the Dragon, she came to appreciate his kind nature, even if he didn't believe he was. 


Jeanne seemed to be in deep thought. Her finger curled on her chin as her eyes were elsewhere. Jeanne finally snapped out of it as Marie tapped her shoulder, getting Jeanne to jump in surprise.

"Sorry, I was in thought," Jeanne shook her head, a somber visage painted her eyes.

"About the Dragon Witch?"

"Yes, I don't understand her. I don't feel her hatred at all, or perhaps I'm too oblivious to such things." 

Marie blinked before her smile returned. "You're truly beautiful, Jeanne."

"Eh? Don't say that!"

Marie shook her head. Her smile went somber as she thought about her next words. 

"It's the truth. I would most likely succumb to what the Dragon Witch is saying if I were in your shoes."


"I don't hate the people who executed me. I say so with ninety percent certainty, but with the leftover ten percent, even less. I may hate those who killed my child, Charles."

"However, you're not like that. You continue to see the best in others. Simply put, you love people."

"That's correct, I do love them. I hold no resentment in my heart to hate them."

"Hey! I see it!" Elizabeth's voice cut through the conversation, with both Jeanne and Marie nodding to continue this another time. 

"This is Montluçon, right?" 




"You found the Dragon Slayer? Great work!" Ritsuka was relieved this plan to split up worked well. It was risky, but it paid off in her favor for once. 

"Yes, they've been taking refuge here in Monuçon."


"I'll take it from here."

A man with a tranquil air appeared in the transmission. His appearance was regal, wearing a set of bronze armor, and his long, hazel brown hair seemed like a waterfall. 

"So you're the master from the future. My class is Rider, my true name is Georgios," The man introduced himself, his tone carried a suave but respectful tune. 

"Nice to meet you, my name is Ritsuka Fujimaru...about the Dragon Slayer..."

"Of course," Georgios coughed. The greetings could wait as it was gone to get back to the main topic. "Siegfried is here. In fact, it'll be easier to show you."

Moving to the side, the group in Thiers saw a platinum-haired man who appeared bedridden. His body seemed stoned, as several cracks could be seen on his skin. 

"Are those wounds?" 

"These would be curses. Sorry for greeting you in such a state," Siegfried's tone was raspy, most likely from the countless curses placed upon him. 

"Suppress your mana! I can smell a group of Dragons approaching," Malzeno interrupted the conversation.

"Yes, he's right. I can feel a terrible rhythm from here," Amadeus concurred. 

As Ritsuka's group hid, the sounds of flapping wings overlapped everything else, and the horde of Wyverns soon appeared. However, one giant among them stood out, and Malzeno instantly knew who that was.

"So, that's Fafnir?"

"The direction they're heading towards..."

"It's way off from Orleans...we've predicted their route,'s headed for Jeanne's group in Montluçon. 




"Master, what should we do?" 

The situation grew dire by the second. The Dragon Witches' forces went towards Jeanne's location, and there wasn't much to do in such circumstances.


"Malzeno, can you transform?" 

Malzeno raised an eyebrow. "Certainly. And since you're my Master, I won't harm you."

Ritsuka looked back at Siegfried. His body was in no shape to fight, and he could barely move out of the bed. There was only one thing to do in this moment, and that was...

"Transform and chase after Fafnir!"

"What?" It was Siegfried who shouted. "That Servant is..."

"Yes, he's a Dragon as well, a very good one," Marie vouched for Malzeno, which was unexpected to him. 

Malzeno closed his eyes. "Right. I'll hold off the horde while you cure the Dragon Slayer. You all may want to get back."

Everyone went a safe distance. Seeing this, Malzeno sighed as he focused on transforming; his tail appeared before his hunched body. Sturdy forelimbs replaced his hands. His back sprouted wings with a single claw appendage akin to a hook, and lastly, the aura of regality. 

Seeing this, Ritsuka's group froze; of course, they'd been fighting Wyverns and the like for a while now, but Ritsuka snapped out of her stiff state. 

"Let's get going! The longer we wait, the more people are killed!" 

Without a second of hesitation, Ritsuka jumped on Malzeno's back, with others following suit but with weary eyes as they didn't know what Malzeno was thinking at that moment. 

"Off we go, Malzeno! Chase down that Dragon!" 

Malzeno answered with a nod and flew up into the air, his speed immediately reaching the lightning point as they began to chase after Fafnir.

The time of battle has dawned!




Sanson looked around at the lifeless bodies around him, his jaw painted red with blood, and blueish-silver hair billowed softly as the winds blew past him. 

He needed to keep killing more. Otherwise...


The sound of battle echoed, and a fierce dance between Marie and Sanson ensued, with Marie having the slight edge. Samson's body bounced back as a pulse of light struck his gut, sending him flying back, but he dug his sword into the ground to keep himself from crashing into a destroyed building. 

"You're tenacious. Why can't I kill you?" Sanson heaved as his chest puffed up he down. Blood smeared against his lips as he looked at the Queen before him. 

"I've killed many since I've been here! I should be stronger than this!"

Marie looked at Sanson with a hint of pity and disappointment. "This is sad, Charles-Henri Sanson. This is why you can't kill me."

"What? What do you mean?"

"It's simple," Marie's eyes went a shade darker as her hair fluttered gracefully. "Your blade has become rusty. It no longer kills, as it's already been killed by your negligence."





A large gate appeared behind Sanson, his eyes filled with madness and rage. 

"Enough, Sanson. By my orders, return to my castle!" 

Marie watched as Sanson's Noble Phantasm was interrupted by the appearance of Jalter, who aimed a glare at Marie.

"A bit slow, Dragon Witch," Marie sighed. 

"I see, so the other me was able to flee. Quite disappointing." 

"That would be incorrect," Marie denied. "She holds onto hope."

Jalter looked past Marie, seeing the fortress that was placed. The sight almost made her belch in disgust, 

"Protecting your comrades and the villagers? What a lousy mission you were given...YOU'RE PROTECTING THE PEOPLE WHO WOULD KILL YOU! THEY SNEERED AND LAUGHED AS YOU WERE BEHEADED!"

Marie sighed. "Jeanne D'Arc would not say those words. Yes, I was beheaded, sneered at, and everything else, but that alone is not enough for me to kill them." 

"I believe my execution was linked to the smiles of the next day."

Suddenly, Marie was shined upon by the heavens. "Viva La France! The stars have granted France all of its radiance and all as it should be."

Marie looked at Jalter, her eyes shining like gems. "I am confident, Dragon Witch. What exactly are you?" 


Marie raised her hands as Fafnir appeared, its mouth spewing flames that were about to burst forth. 

For eternity 

Crystal Palace 

The lovable brilliance!

"How! A second Noble Phantasm? It's covering the whole town...a barrier-type Noble Phantasm!"

"Even without a master, she activated Noble Phantasms without a would go this far? ATTACK THE BITCH FAFNIR!"

Marie's body was beginning to fade as the dragon's flames approached. It was then she looked to the side; in the sky was a sight that caused her eyes to widen momentarily. It was far but still noticeable.

"I see. That is your true form, Malzeno? What a gorgeous sight to see. I leave the rest to you and Jeanne!" 




A few hours after Marie had passed, the split groups rejoined, focusing on fixing up Siegfried's curse. The Dragon Slayer would be needed for the last bout. 

Malzeno, however, was taking the loss of Marie harder than he expected. He couldn't find anything wrong about the Queen. He was fond of her, from her weird behavior to learning about her reign. 

Malzeno cursed his lack of speed. If only he were faster, he could have done something...could he? He felt a bit sluggish when transformed. Could it be he was weaker in his Dragon Form now? 

There were too many unknown variables to his liking. However, at the same time, he felt this was necessary. Everyone had a part to play, and Marie's time was simply the ending act. 

Malzeno looked over to the group, and his brow furrowed as he noticed that Ritsuka wasn't there. She usually was, but she seemed absent. Naturally, his fatherly instincts kicked in, and he walked towards the riverbed. 

Of course, the young Master was there, sitting on a patch of grass to herself. It seemed he wasn't the only one being affected by Marie's death. He knew Amadeus was, but he seemed to hide it well. 

Malzeno silently sat beside Ritsuka. She didn't seem to acknowledge Malzeno's presence. Her silence gave the air a creepy ambiance. This is something Malzeno wanted to respect.

Sometimes, quietness is the best way to grieve.
