Chapter 25 : Death of a Loved One

*Trinity's POV*

I laid on the couch, reading a book that I had bought years ago and never picked up before. It had only been a few hours since Amber had set me up and left me at my house, but I already seemed to be antsy.

Why did it always seem that as soon as someone told you not to do anything that you suddenly felt as if that was impossible. For months, I had laid around in grief almost all day, rarely doing anything, but not even half a day now, and I felt my mind spinning and my anxiety spiking.

What did that say?

I realized that I had read the same paragraph in the book in front of me and hadn't comprehended a single word of it. With a sigh, I set it down on my chest and closed my eyes. Maybe I could sleep away this time. It seemed to work for me before.