Friend's And Family

Lloyd was riding down on downtown when he stopped at a shop called "Got Le". Lloyd went in the building and found a table with two other people. He took a seat at the table. Can't believe you forgot about guy night said one of the teens there. What happened to you said the other teen. Its nothing Marcus said Lloyd. It does look bad said the other teen. Are you sure? Yes Joseph said Lloyd. Was it that Luke again said Marcus. Yes said Lloyd. That guy needs some anger management or something said Joseph. Indeed said Lloyd. So what do you guys want to do for some guy activity said Marcus. I brought the switch said Joseph. MK8D said Lloyd. Yes said Marcus. The three played for quite some time together. Time really did fly for them because they were having so much fun together. Once the sunset arrived, Lloyd had to leave. I have to leave said Lloyd. My mom wants me home by 6:30. Why said Marcus. To take care of my sister said Lloyd. Well in that case said Joseph. I have to leave as well. See ya boys later said Lloyd as he got on his skateboard and skated home.

Lloyd reached a small but quiet neighborhood. He skated through the quiet but quite peaceful street until he got to the end of the block. He stopped at a house that was bigger then the rest of the houses on the block. This house was a white and grey, two story house with dark grey roofs and a connected garage. Lloyd got out his key and unlocked the door. He went inside and closed the door. Mom said Lloyd. I'm home. Just then, a women went down the stairs. Hello Lloyd said the women. Hey mom said Lloyd. Why are you dressed up for? I'm going out with Lando said Lloyds mom. Is that the guy you been talking about said Lloyd. Yes he is said Lloyds mom. When he says my name in the most romantic tone, Hey Jenny. I get the memo said Lloyd. Also the dishes need to be unloaded said Jenny as she opened the door and closed it. Lloyd sighed heavily as he went into the kitchen and opened the dishwasher. He got out a couple of plates and proceeded to put them away. After a few minutes, A little girl came down the stairs. Hey Lloyd said the girl. Hey Lucy said Lloyd. What's wrong said Lucy. Its nothing sis said Lloyd. Ok said Lucy as she flopped on the couch and turned on the T.V. Lloyd proceeded to finish unloading and loading the dishwasher. Big bro said Lucy. Yeah sis said Lloyd. Don't you want to stay down here and watch some ponies with me said Lucy. Not right now sis said Lloyd. I need some time to think first. Lucy didn't respond as Lloyd left the kitchen and went upstairs to his bedrooms. Lloyd closed the door and went outside to his balcony. He took a seat on one of the chairs that he had out there and looked at the stars. Hey dad said Lloyd as he talked to the sky. I got good grades on my report card again. I got every question right on Romeo and Juliet. I think you would be really proud. Life here has just been so bad without you. Mom has been working her butt off and i can't even help her because no one will hire me to make ends meat. Lucy's been doing well for herself and all. She doesn't even know about what i have been doing to make mom's life easer. Mom's been going out with someone who i know isn't good enough for her. Its just been so stressful. I just wish you could see what we became. I really miss ya dad. I just wish that things could be different. I hope that someday . . . I can support this family . . . . Lucy will make good friends and for mom to be happier then she is now. I just hope said Lloyd as he got up and went inside. He went downstairs as Lucy was watching her show. Hey bbbff said Lucy. What said Lloyd. Big brother best friends forever said Lucy. I think you been watching too much T.V said Lloyd. No said Lucy. Just one more episode? Please? Fine said Lloyd. But only until 8:30. Just because mom's not here doesn't mean you can stay up later. Ok said Lucy.