Chapter 11

I shut the door and locked it on Hellbreath, and the surge of guilt crashed into my terror so hard, it nearly buckled my knees. I had to leave her out there. I couldn't go outside myself, not with someone lurking about and delivering bloody warnings when I didn't even know where the barn was.

Gritting my teeth against my tears, I turned back in the direction of my room with my baba's bloody handkerchief and my arrow. By the time I made it down the hallway, my body was sagging, my broken ribs and bruised, punctured flesh screaming. I needed to lie down, but I needed to find Archer more. When I made it to Sasha's door, I leaned against it and tried the doorknob. Locked.

"Archer?" I knocked softly.


That was Archer's voice, soft yet tense, coming from the far end of the hallway behind me.