"We're heading south," I told the innkeeper and his wife. "We're heading out at daybreak tomorrow."
"In winter?" she screeched. "But Archer - "
"Is fine." But was he fine enough for hard, grueling travel? Was Grady? If they weren't, I doubted they'd admit it.
"You'll settle your bill before then," the innkeeper said. "Including the cost of the window and the door's lock in the bath. Your man's story about slipping and falling, twice, doesn't hold much water."
"We'll pay for it all," I promised.
We wouldn't. Between the three of us, we had nothing but ourselves.
The innkeeper's wife clicked her tongue. "If you find yourselves short on money, I would gladly accept that coat of yours. The red one with the white fur collar? I would trade you for mine. It's warm."