Chapter 68

A hiss escaped through my clenched teeth. Lager's cabin. The man who'd taken everything from me and would kill me without hesitation, whether there were now four fingers on his hand or not.

"How do you know?" I asked in a voice much calmer than I felt.

"I can smell him, for one," Archer said.

That sickly sweet honey scent. Wolves likely smelled it much stronger than I did.

"And for two?"

"There's a child's drawing on the desk inside the northwest window. It very clearly states all the members of the family. The Lager family."

The map we'd taken from Old Man's Den had led us right to Lager's family. Did he even know we had it?

"He's a fucking fool, then," Grady rumbled, reading my thoughts exactly. "What kind of man circles a target over their family?"