I fought to break free, lashed out with my arms and legs, but the weight only strengthened, pressing my face farther into the snow. Panic surged through me as I kicked and punched, but none of them connected.
Around me, ferocious, terrifying growls and snapping jaws filled the Crimson Forest. Thomas must've shifted, but if so, what had he done with Sasha?
Oh god. Sasha.
A crash of adrenaline bucked me sideways out from underneath what was suffocating me. I drew in a single breath, blinked the snow from my eyes - and gazed down on the scene from above. From Sasha...in a tree? Thomas in his huge gray and white wolf form, all fangs and red eyes and murderous aggression, fought off four others.
And only a few feet away, a white wolf lunged straight for my neck.
I rolled.
It pivoted and snarled, advancing once again.
I recognized it, or thought I did. It was the same size, same color as the one I'd seen at the tavern in Old Man's Den.
Louisa, Faust's wife.