Truth or dare

" Spin that bottle Mr Han," Andrey said enthusiastically as always

 " Ok and here we go.....Gu, Truth or dare, pick responsibly" Han teasely asked.

 " Ok, I'm a beast how about truth," 

 " Ooh I thought you would pick dare, but ok, do you still have a crush on Harriet," 

 " Never, I was blinded by beauty, my crush now is way prettier, won't you, agree Jenny" Gu never lucks the opportunity to put Jenny on the spotlight.

 " Ooh I smell something," Andrey said teasely poking Jenny. But Damian's face was definitely not that friendly.

Damian's is a papa bear, always protecting the ones he love, especially Andrey and Jenny, he didn't want them to get hurt, not physically and definitely not emotionally.

 " Ok my turn," Gu spinned the bottle and it faced Damian, " wow this just got interesting, my lovely dear, truth or dare. Choice is yours, choose wisely" Gu turned suspicious.

 " I pick truth," Damian causally said.

 " I was hoping you pick that" 


 " Hello Miss Gu are you in a position to talk right now" detective Peter called

 " Ofcause I am, any new information,"

 "They are the same person, I'll send you a picture," detective Peter said very intrigued himself.

 " This is Damian, no wonder they were acting weird around him," Gu suddenly realized.

 " You know him, then you must know his girlfriend, her name is Jennifer, mostly known as Jenny, according to my investigation, they have been in a secret relationship for a while, maybe because they are working in the same company," information given by people in the office....* Misunderstanding number one*

 " Ok detective, we'll take more once I get back," Gu accually did like Jenny.

 Jenny was simple, fun to be around and she was her first love after a really bad dating experience. Gu might have been one of the most popular, beautiful actresses in the country, but she was a jinx when it come to love. She would either date cheaters, haters or girls who want to climb the fame ladder quickly. But she could feel Jenny was different, she had to prove it. Things did go her way when Andrey suggested a truth or dare game.

 End of flashback

 " Ok Mr Damian, truth, have you or are you in love with someone around this table," Gu said in all seriousness.

Everyone seemed to really want to know, Jenny and Andrey wanted to know so they could mock him, Han and Lu wanted to know if they got a chance, but Gu was just scared that this is going to be one more time she didn't get what she wanted. At the end Damian chose to drink than answer.

 " Big bro you are no fan, I was really excited," everyone just seemed disappointed in not get the answer.

 " Ahh, let's continue" Han said and Damian spinned the bottle and it landed on Andrey.

 " Chose wisely,I might murder you," Damian said in all seriousness.

 " Sheesh, don't give me those eyes, I'm not as chicken as all of you..." Jenny interrupted" watch your mouth kid, we're older."

 " That's what I said, anyway I pick Dare," Andrey said and had to pick his dare off the hat. " Ok and the dare is, pick a side any side then kiss the person on that side" 

 " I wish I picked that one," Gu said and Han nodded in acceptance.

One his left side was Han and on his right side was Jenny. Which side would he choose.

 " I think I'm going to drink on this to," Andrey said not wanting to choose sides, literally.

 " Why? You chicken," Han teased and everyone laughed.

 " Fine then I pick, Jenny, mostly cause I'm going to enjoy her reaction, plus you've kissed Damian so why not me to" * misunderstanding number two*

 " What?" Gu asked. Was this a confirmation.

 " It's a long story," Jenny Said.

 And they accually kissed.

 " I am never doing that again," Jenny said and Andrey bust out laughing. But the mood wasn't as it was before. There were just too many things they wanted to know, and some they wish the didn't.