Chapter 3: A new cycle

A fully grown wolf was growling at the deer with its mouth foaming as if it had rabies but it would have been better if it had rabies. the wolf seemed normal but it looked diseased, its eyes unnaturally red, a lot of injuries covered its body like it placed them intentionally, and the wounds looked like it was bitten by something. I noticed a part of the wolf. Its stomach was gouged out. The deer froze scared of a zombie wolf and hungry human hunters in the woods, I wondered what the deer feared more the Zombie wolf or us.

The zombie wolf viciously lunched at the deer, the deer was caught by surprise. Kin ran back to us urging us to get away. The deer was probably being eaten alive.

"I never knew animals got infected?"Myloe said puzzled than I thought I was.

"Now's not the time to talk we need to get the heck out of here," Diana said panicking and almost hyperventilating. I peeped at the deer, the wolf was done with the deer and I feared it was coming for us next, the deer who lay on the ground dead with its eyes looking at the void of death moved suddenly as it began to contort its head. Its legs also began moving out of balance. I was distracted by the deer forgetting a wolf existed. I suddenly heard a scream in front of me, it was the only girl in our group Diana. She was being chased by the zombie wolf.

I had this belief that the zombie wolf had been infected long ago but it was just infected. It moved at its normal speed, and now Diana's life was in danger. I heard a weird sound behind me, I realized the sound came from Kin throwing his spear at the wolf. The spear pierced the wolf in the back coming through the chest and finally making its way to the ground stopping the diseased wolf from moving any further. The wolf still growled uncontrollably. Diana fell to the ground relieved that she was safe.

"Are you okay?" I yelled to her.

"Yes. I think so" she replied breathing heavily.

"No one messes with my sister," Kin said as he stood before the wolf before him, struggling to get the spear out of it, "Dane, pass me your spear let me end this "

I walked closer to Kin, Kin Dodged the wolf that looked like it could break the spear lodged in it any minute. I handed Kin my spear, He grabbed it from me and pushed me away.

"Sorry, Dane you wouldn't want to get its blood in your eyes or mouth will ya" Kin said as he ended the Wolf's life ."Are you hurt" Kin went closer to his sister.

"Am fine" Diana said dusting her clothes as she stood up, she fell back down.

"Are you bit?!" Myloe looked scared no he was scared he looked around and he grabbed his spear heading toward Diana.

" Have you gone nuts? She's fine" Kin went towards Myloe and shoved him to the ground, "It's my sister we talking about here "

" Am just scared. Am .... " Myloe mumbled, " she got bit am sure of it" Kin was about to land a knockout punch at Myloe but I intervened

" Haynen, " I said to both of them meaning "stop"

" I checked her she's fine. Stop overreacting. We are Lucky there was only one wolf, if there were more we'd be all dead. And Kin try calming down. Myloe has a sister too, she's even injured, and am sure he fears for her as much as you do" I saw Myloe on the ground breathing heavily with his eyes closed Still awaiting Kin's punch.

"Danes right " I heard Diana say as she managed to get to her feet. Kin stood up running to his sister

"You don't look so good" Kin, I saw his eyes, it had fear and also terror. Fear of his sister being injured and terror of her probably being infected.

"I'm fine Kin, I just sprained my ankle that's all" Diana assured him of her safety.

"Sorry about that Kin," Myloe said dusting his glasses

"You should be," Kin said with his sister's arms across his shoulders helping her to walk, Diana gave her brother a slight punch and shoved her head towards Myloe.

"Alright. Myloe cheer up at least I didn't punch you in the face"

"Kin!" Diana said with a high-pitched tone that faded into a low pitch.

"Fine. I'm... Umm..." Kin cleared his throat, " I'm .... Ssssss-oooo-rrrrrrrrrry" Kin said. I just stood beside Myloe enjoying Kin's twisted face as he said his worst word nightmare"sorry" and to mention a few, thank you, I love you, Good morning (he only says these words to his sister aside from the I love you part, he's shy and a bit proud to tell her and also Candy. Myloe's sister).

"Let's move guys it getting dark, I'd probably prefer to be hunted by real wolves than zombie wolves," I said giving Myloe a hand to stand up

Kin pulled the spears from the dead wolf, the blood on his spear had dried but mine were partially dried. The sight of blood disgusts me, especially when it's now a zombie blood that reeks of carcass. Fortunately, the Wolf was still yeah fresh I guess.

" I wonder how everyone's doing", Diana asked on the piggy bank position on her brother's back. I looked her in the eyes with a smile and she looked at me in the eye with a smile also. My eyes trailed to Kin who seemed to be observing me, he gave me a "don't you dare look". And I smiled but he didn't smile back he smirked.

"Myloe" I called for him, " stop lagging behind we don't know if the pack of that wolf's around"

" I'm tired that's all, " Myloe said with a weakened voice.

"I could eat a whole deer," Kin said.

" We could have if not for the wolf-" Myloe said before he was cut off by Kin.

" There's still hope we can still eat the deer," Kin said, and I knew he was enticed by what he said.

"No, I guess the deer isn't fine to eat anymore," Myloe said while he sniffed his nose.

"Yo Dane carry Diana. I'll go and scavenge the dead deer and have us some good dinner tonight." Kin said handing his sister to me.

" That's not necessary. " Diana said to her brother, "You can't head there by yourself"

"NaHH, don't worry I have a spare and we are just a few yards away," Kin said heading back to where the deer was killed."You guys keep going, Myloe be on the lookout. I'll be right behind you"

"Be careful" I called after him, he mumbled something that I didn't hear.