Training as a Slime (2)

It was difficult to check how he looked like in a room without mirrors despite the nagging urgency to assess his situation.

"(T.T)" Cori cried as he wave his flubbly paws? tentacles?.

 He tried to talk but all he could do was squeak like a squeaky toy. Tired, he resigned to fate and laid down on the floor to rest, only to melt into a puddle of slime. As he stared into the ceiling, something caught his beady eyes- a weird symbol above him.

"?" he wondered as he held out his tentacle/paw and to touch it.

An envelope appeared out of thin air, he tried to grab it but it slipped out of his smooth paw. The envelope landed crisply on the floor. Cori stood up, looking like a delicious mochi, trying to pry the letter off the hard surface. He tried to flatten his tentacular paw and attempted to slide it under the letter- failed. He tried to squeeze the sides of the envelope but ended hurting himself (a "-1" damage point appeared above his head but he didn't see it despite his 360 vision). He tried to blow but no air came out of him. He tried scooping, pushing, pulling, but nothing worked. 

"(T.T)" he cried, exasperated. Wiping his tears with his tentacle-like paw. He attempted with another try, and this time it worked. The tears happened to act like a gluey substance with limited adhesive power. Cori "(-.-)" was so tired, but he finally managed to open the envelope while cursing the deity that sent him. A game-like box appeared in front of Cori. "Why do you send me an envelope with no letter inside? (T.T)" Cori cried again with deep anguish in his heart... although he had no heart as a slime...

The screen showed a map of the world with a big "X" at a certain location titled "Monster Training School" and Cori's current location. Although the voice began narrating in a foreign language, Cori was able to fully comprehend. The voice said, "Annual Monster Training School enrolment starts 30 days from now. Please ensure your stats and skills are sufficient to avoid death traps before entering. A reminder to adjust your 'System Settings' and input points into your 'Status'. Summon 'Map' to view map again."

"System Settings", Cori said in his mind- although slimes have no brains at all. The system settings display appeared in front of Cori. With a few taps, Cori adjusted the brightness, screens location, and was able to check out the date and time.

"Status", Cori now understood his situation- "I am a level 0 baby slime."