Training as a Slime (26)

Alice learned something new everyday. Today she learned about stage fright. More specifically, how a baby slime handled stage fright. Throughout its database, there were no documentation of baby slimes being frightened of public speaking. In fact, slimes were sociable beings and worked very well in a group. So Alice theorised that standing out was actually uncharacteristic of them, which resulted in Cori's reaction. Unbeknownst to it, Cori was already awkward and shy as a human being and stage-fright was more of his human trait. 

"Welcome Everyone to 'Who wants to be a Millionaire'! 15 Questions, 1 million platinum gold coins, 3 life lines. Who will win them all? I'm your host, Oliver and tonight we have a very special guest all the way from Wind Forest! Let's welcome Cori the slightly golden baby slime!"

Cori looked at the floating glass orb zooming onto him. Cori was sweating bullets and turning pale.

A round of applause came from the holographic audience. Alice "clapping" the hardest while documenting the process and analysing Cori. There was no backing out now, even Alice could not pull him out of the game.

Oliver, "Looks like our little guest is a bit nervous. Our guest here was a former University student from Earth! Looks like he would be representing 2 planets from 2 solar system tonight!"

"Represent two planets? Is this real?" Cori wondered.

As if reading his mind, Alice flashed a notice to Cori, "This is a real live game. Our Lord brokered a deal so he could appear in it whenever he wanted to, have fun!"

Cori was speechless, the surmounting pressure. The first time on a show and it had to be one that was broadcast to multiple dimensions and planets.

The deity in Cori's human body was happily munching walnut popcorn while watching. He privately messaged Alice, "Why is Cori on the gameshow?" Alice, "My Lord, this is to increase his mental points and intelligence." The deity read the message and continued watching the show on his hologram.

Oliver, "Cori, what did you study in University and how did you end up here?"

Cori's mind went blank, he forced an awkward smile and tried to speak but no words came out. Oliver, "It looks like our dear guest had a bit of stage fright." *Laughter from the audience* Cori started to palpitate in his little puddle of perspiration. A boy with dog ears and headset ran over to him and passed a towel to him, "Breath and relax Cori." Cori felt more at ease with the soft towel, feeling less naked and exposed. 

Cori wanted to answer but he remembered that everything he said would end up gibberish. He had to formulate a system to make do with if he did not want to appear as a fool. "DeeWheeze!" he replied. Oliver thought he had some issue with his ears although he had no ears because of his octopus-head, "Well, well who could have thought a baby slime as young as him specialised in diseases! Looks like we have a tough contestant tonight! Cori will have to answer 15 questions. There are 4 answers displayed on the screen and all Cori had to do was to select the right answer. The cash prize will increase for every 3 questions correctly answered. 100 platinum gold coins, 1000 platinum gold coins, 10000 platinum gold coins, 100,000 platinum gold coins, and finally our jack pot of 1 million platinum gold coins. Of course he could also cash out at any point and win the minimal cash prize, but if he choose not to and answer wrongly he would lose all the winnings!"

Oliver, "So are you ready Cori?" Cori bounced and showed he was ready. Oliver, "Looks like our guest is excited to win his jackpot!" The crowds laughed and cheered. Alice thought to itself, realising... the host looked deaf and Cori could not even speak in proper words. Just as it thought that miracle did not exist, Cori's metal stat increased by 1 point.