The Monster Training School - Characters (Spoilers warning)

Headmaster: Santa Claus

Santa Claus is a saint level monster.

Job: Saint

Height: 1.83m

Weight: 118kg

Appearance: Jolly looking, plump and cheerful with rosy cheeks. wear glasses (has an assortment of glasses)

Personality: Generous. Positive. No one messes with Santa and gets away unscathed. 

Favourite colours: Green and red

Mavia: Snow Maiden 

Job: Lady/ Duchess

Height: 1.7 m

Weight: secret

Appearance: Pale white skin, thin and frail looking.

Personality: Warm hearted. Straight forward and a bit mysterious.


Cloud: A beast-kin. 

Job: Cultivator, Pill master.

Height: 1.9 m

Weight: 120 kg

Appearance: Tanned complexion and black panther ears stood up. Dressed in flowy dark robes were loosely tied using his black rosette tail. He has dark green eyes and a deep husky voice. Very muscular and lean. 

Personality: calm, cool headed. man of few words. Strongest trainer in the academy.

Bodicea: Furry. 

Job: Weapon master.

Height: 1.6 m

Weight: 40 kg

Appearance: Blackish brown rabbit furry with golden eyes. Shy demeanour and soft spoken, but her actions speaks otherwise. Second strongest in terms of physical strength.

Kareem: Dragon (human form)

Job: High Wizard

Height: 2 m

Weight: 90 kg

Appearance: Blue eyes, platinum white hair, youthful and lean. 

Personality: Laidback, secretly jealous of Santa, dislike parting with treasures, jewellery, and money. A bit stingy. A bit of a show off. Confident and eloquent.

Ivy Bind: High elf. (Pure blooded)

Job: Alchemist (Potion master)

Height: 1.85 m


Appearance: Sharp features, pink curly hair and pink eyes with fair skin.

Personality: Have a sense of dark humour, always joke about torturing her husband. 

Marvyn: High Fae. (a god in disguise as a high fae)

Job: Holy Priest

Height: 2 m

Weight: 85 kg

Appearance: Androgynous looking, Silver hair

Personality: likes to ask about love affairs and also likes drama. Sometimes will use television liners from certain dramas. The way he speaks makes people think he isn't from this world. Knows about Cori.

Aspery Swordwork: Dwarf

Job: Engineer and smithing

Height: 1.3 m

Weight: 6 5kg

Appearance: Seasoned, neat, muscular arms, with a bit of a belly

Personality: Very knowledgeable about smithing, technology, weapon making, engineering.

Loves to teach and rant about his passions. Loves rare weapons.

Hannah Montgomery: Ogre

Job: Animals and beasts tamer

Height: 1.8 m

Weight: unknown

Appearance: Greenish tanned, brown hair and honey colour eyes.

Personality: Loves all animals. Secretly wanted to tame Kareem. Positive vibes. Tame the gods one day?

Jamie Rockerfell: Orc

Job: Chef

Height: 1.7 m

Weight: secret 

Appearance: Light pinkish skin, with brown locks of hair, and bright pretty eyes.

Personality: Her love language is food.

Prefects: Ryan the fairy speaks in 23,000 to 35,000 hertz. always seemed invisible. has transparent butterfly wings and can be spotted in his pyjamas. Live in Hall Alkydrich.

Cat furry,

Andre Noelle the 3rd is a White Tiger Furry allocated to the Hall of Paulva. He is also part of the student council.

Characters not associated with the student council.

Samantha Spears, a senior who looked like a normal girl with freckles and twin-tails. She was born as a halfling, inheriting her parents' features.

Halls: Seven Arkons rose to rule the world. They established the 7 houses, Alkydrich, Paulva, Kirin, Raijin, Silvanus, Ogmios, and 777. 

Hall of Alkydrich- pastel rainbow colours. white. medieval design. heal wounds, resurrection, and resolve curses. devoted personality, reliable but also submissive. cheerful personality. rainbow colour 

Hall of Paulva - dark emerald and cosy philosophies mechanics and science-like advancement in science and creation. some forbidden knowledge, handicrafts. personality: great, mighty, strong, logical, govern all professions. can make people invisible, and witty. information broker. no malice. kind. 

Hall of Kirin - simple, pure, drinking water, white, minimalistic like peace. dislike killing and wars. soft-spoken, reserved nature, introverted calm and collected.

Hall of Raijin- yellow, white, blue layout, electric music, party vibes. the room sometimes has raiju. the great weapon (8 sets) is mischievous. prankster? speedy.

Hall of Silvanus - wood, forest, protector of tree folk, the hall that is close to nature, and blessings to unexplored. likes nature. easy going. hatred to those who cause destruction and chaos. 

Hall of Ogmios - books, literature, focus on persuasion and eloquence. god of eloquence and persuasion. diplomacy? politics? likes control, able to create curses. I think this hall will have highly disciplined individuals who are high achievers. Ogham Alphabet

Hall 777- The 7th house adopted the number system to reflect the unity of the seven houses and also due to the power embedded in the seventh in this world. Together they established numerous monster training schools to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Not long after the establishment, the seventh Arkon disappeared leaving the 7th kingdom empty without any successors. Out of respect, the other Arkons and their descendants had been managing its land and citizens. Without the power of the seventh Arkon, Hall 777 in every academy could not be activated. 

The creator God were also known as the Holy Spirit of Births, the Holy Spirit of Growths, the Holy Spirit of Maturity, and the Holy Spirit of Fluctuations. There are also minor gods.

Cori's timetable

Luan: Fundamentals of Magic (daybreak) (PC1), Fundamental History (after midday) (OC1), Training with Master (evening) (QHTG)

Mháirt: Fundamentals of Prayers and Healing (daybreak) (AC1), Fundamental Religious History (after midday) (OC1), Training with Master (evening)(QHTG)

Chéadaoin: Fundamentals of Potion Making (daybreak)(SL), Training with Master (evening)(QHTG)

Déardaoin: Fundamentals of External Arts (daybreak)(RTG), Training with Master (evening)(QHTG)

Aoine: Fundamentals of Internal Arts (Before dawn) (KTG), Training with Master (evening)(QHTG)

Satharn: Fundamentals of Curious Creatures (daybreak)(SL)

Domhnach: Fundamentals of Smithery (daybreak)(PS)