Training as a Slime(62)

"Everyone step back!" a senior student council shouted at the gathering crowds as 4 more seniors simultaneously appeared and barricaded the scene to keep everyone out. Whilst the passersby were speculating, the acting headmaster calmly descended from above and deciphered the situation. When the spectators saw the authoritative figure, they dispersed right away, fearing that they would be reprimanded and punished. Ignoring the barricade, the dominating individual landed beside Cori and took a glance at the halfling. "Hmm... she's still alive," he said to Cori and turned to the white tiger furry, "Andre." 

Cori who was still in a state of confusion, did not dare to utter a word without comprehending the current situation.

Andre: "Most Honorable Discipline Master, our esteemed students have reported a barrier obstructing the Garden of Sanctuary, barring access from outsiders. Upon verification, we have confirmed the report to be true. Our attempts to analyze and resolve the situation were interrupted by a sudden stream of white light which broke the barrier. Following the destruction of the barrier, we came across an unconscious senior who had sustained injuries, lying on the ground. Additionally, a junior was identified with bodily blood stains. Upon closer inspection, we noticed that the senior did not have grave injuries and merely suffered from superficial bruises."

The discipline master stood with a stern expression on his face and looked down on the bloodied slightly golden slime with a cold shade of green in his eyes. 

Cloud: "Is that true?"

Cori nodded silently, unsure who to trust.

The discipline master pointed to the wishing dragon pearl in the senior's hand.

Andre: "I apologise for the lack of ability to identify the object."

Cloud nodded and turned back to Cori: "Keep the pearl."

Andre: "Sir, please reconsider. It might be crucial evidence!"

Despite the plea, the black figure ignored him and waited patiently for Cori to slot the pearl into the inventory. 

Cloud: "Remember, report."

Andre nodded: "Certainly. The report shall be on your desk by nightfall."

After the discipline master returned to the Hall, the leader of the student council extended his invitation to Cori for a cup of tea and instructed the rest to bring the fainted student to the infirmary.

Cori: "Wait! Can I be by her side to make sure she is safe?"

Andre looked at the other prefects who nodded back at him.

Andre: "Mister Cori, you have our assurance that she will be in good hands."

Cori: "I have a skill and saw the curse that laid upon her. It was called Kralieordo, do you know what it is?"

A silent strange look was shared between the student council.

Andre: "We shall abide by the instructions given by the discipline master. Remember, it is with utmost importance that no one must divulge this information. Ryan, please ensure the infirmary is secure and protected."

Ryan: "Roger!"

The committee threw 2 white crystals on the ground and momentarily opened 2 portals that led them to a room and the sickbay respectively. 

  1. Kr-alie-ordo: a neologism, comprised of the words "Kratos" "Alienus" "Ordo". The 3 words mean Rule, Foreign, and Order. It is used in this context to signify a person is controlling another person.