Training as a Slime(75)

"Is the god who sent me here the outer god, the god who allied with Eon or the one who betrayed her? In any case, knowing both stories shouldn't impose any issues," Cori thought as he weighed against the pros and cons.

Marvyn: "Not to worry. I'm showing this to you because 777 would want you to know. The choice to accept it as truth or falsehood is up to you."

"777? What has that got to do with him?" Cori wondered suspiciously but threw caution to the wind and replied, "I understand. But why the secrecy Your Holiness?"

"You will understand once you see it for yourself. Brace yourself," the holy priest answered and pressed his staff on Cori's head and a familiar holy energy poured into him and pushed his soul out of his body. 

Cori in his human soul saw a link tethered to his slime body. "Is this an out-of-body experience?" he said to himself.

"That's right Cori," a voice said.

Cori looked at Marvyn who was emanating an unusually high holy energy with divine aura. "We have to hurry before they discover us," said the holy priest as he cast an invisible barrier. "Take this key and enter my vessel through my temple. Hurry!" the priest urged.

Cori grabbed the spiritual key and entered the High Fae's mind. A red door appeared and Cori intuitively inserted the key into it. The door opened with a click and displayed shelves of crystal balls. Each with specific memories replaying on a loop. 

"Cori, put your hand on the largest crystal ball in the room," hinted the voice.

Cori extended his hand and touched the crystal in the middle of the room. The environment turned into stars and galaxies and showed a woman in an embryo floating through space. Feeling the warmth of the sun, the woman woke up and carefully broke free. "My name is Eo, and welcome to Eo's records," she said staring deep into Cori's human soul. "Interesting, a summoned hero," she remarked and continued, "I'm Eo a Goddess birthed from existence and non-existence, the living planet. The one who birthed slimes and found peace."

The Goddess formed the ocean and atmosphere using her embryo. She then hugged herself and turned herself into a planet, and her hair settled on the dirt turning into roots. Soon, a plant grew and with a blink of an eye it grew into a tree and gave birth to its first inhabitant- a golden slime.

"The planet is me and I am the planet. All souls on this planet are me, we are one in soul but diverse in minds, views, and bodies," commented Eo.

Cori was awed, witnessing the birth of a planet. "But soon tragedy fell when I let in visitors from other realms," the goddess lamented and showed a scene of manipulation, and betrayal by the visitors. "They turned my children against me, stripped me of my powers, and punished my descendants!" said the goddess in anger as the scene changed to the new guests announcing themselves as Holy Spirits.

"They desecrated my body with magicules, polluting my soul and raiding my powers," Eo cried. "With the last ounce of my strength, I evolved my devotees into archangels and gods," she said as the scene showed her powers being corrupted by the outer gods and how those she bestowed favours betrayed her.

Cori watched as carnage tore through her devotees and gods, cursing them into beings of darkness. The outer gods manipulated the rest of the slimes through gifts and glib, successfully creating a cult that worshipped them as the main deities that shaped the world. Using the blinded followers, they exploited the natural resources using the monetary system, harvested soul energy using evolutionary routes and crowned their first corrupted being to conquer the land and seas.

Eo: "They are like an infection. One I struggled to fight off."

The scene flashed to one where the invaders' energies clashed with Eo's, a dark arrow aiming to sacrifice both the saintess and the prince in exchange for greater power.

Eo: "Drained of my primordial powers, I could only call upon my blood to form the firmament and defend against external attacks, thus trapping the 4 Holy Spirits here, stopping any seepages of souls and powers, and protecting my archangels from devolving into demonic being by turning them into faes. Yet, despite so, I could not stop a significant of them falling from grace."

Marvyn: "Cori, you have to return."

Eo: "Yet a hero chosen by the outer gods became an Arkon with my help and promised to aid me in the last fight against the invaders."

Cori: "Just a bit more..."

"Cori!" Marvyn yelled and pulled Cori's human out of his mind. 

"Enough!" Marvyn said sternly and returned Cori's soul to the vessel. "I could not sustain the barrier further without the system's detection. Any further both of us will die," he explained.

The slightly golden slime stared back angrily, "Your Holiness, whose side are you on?"

"Silence!" the holy priest said, sealing the slime's mouth. "Do not reveal anything to anyone, anything. Apprentice of the lost Arkon, beware of the treacherous path. I have done my part to warn you and had offered you my position to harbour you from harm the last we met. The rest is up to you to unravel under the guise of Hall 777," the high fae explained.

Cori nodded.

The moment the holy priest released the spell, he asked, "Do all faes know their origin, Your Holiness?"

"Of course, all faes know they were slimes. How silly of you to not notice, off you go to your next class! Shoo! Shoo!" the priest laughed it off, pretending it to be a joke.

Cori suspected the barrier was lifted, and played along, "Haha... thank you, Your Holiness, for teaching me common sense."

"You better get going, you wouldn't want the duchess to wait," Marvyn advised.

"Yes Your Holiness," Cori replied and left for his next class.